Màj diverses
This commit is contained in:
10 changed files with 267 additions and 274 deletions
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ URxvt*saveLines: 0
! for 'fake' transparency (without Compton) uncomment the following three lines
URxvt*inheritPixmap: true
URxvt*transparent: true
URxvt*shading: 15
URxvt*shading: 40
!URxvt*blurRadius: 24x24
! other possible settings:
@ -258,42 +258,22 @@ colors() {
# better yaourt colors
# export YAOURT_COLORS="nb=1:pkg=1:ver=1;32:lver=1;45:installed=1;42:grp=1;34:od=1;41;5:votes=1;44:dsc=0:other=1;35"
export EDITOR=vim
# Debug
export PS4='+ ${BASH_SOURCE:-}:${FUNCNAME[0]:-}:L${LINENO:-}: '
# fix "xdg-open fork-bomb" export your preferred browser from here
alias conf='vim $HOME/.i3/config'
alias comp='vim $HOME/.config/compton.conf'
alias fixit='sudo rm -f /var/lib/pacman/db.lck'
alias inst='yaourt -S'
alias la='ls -la --group-directories-first --time-style=+"%d.%m.%Y %H:%M" --color=auto -F'
alias ll='ls -l --group-directories-first --time-style=+"%d.%m.%Y %H:%M" --color=auto -F'
alias l='ls -lAh'
alias rm='rm --preserve-root -I'
alias mirrors='sudo pacman-mirrors -g'
alias printer='system-config-printer'
alias update='yaourt -Syua'
alias mk='vim makefile'
alias n='vim'
alias diff='icdiff'
alias f='fuck'
#alias grep='rg'
alias news='newsbeuter'
#alias ssh-add='ssh-add -t 1800'
alias meteo='curl -H "Accept-Language: fr" wttr.in/Nantes'
alias moon='curl -H "Accept-Language: fr" wttr.in/Moon'
. /usr/share/doc/ranger/examples/shell_automatic_cd.sh
#eval $(thefuck --alias)
# change title
trap 'echo -ne "\e]0;$PWD > $BASH_COMMAND\007"' DEBUG
@ -92,9 +92,9 @@ Kernel${goto 140}$kernel
Uptime${goto 140}$uptime
Redshift${goto 140}${execpi 5 redshift -p | grep -Po "[0-9]+K"}
${color2}${font2}Sylvexplorer $hr$font$color${voffset 2}
${texeci 3600 /home/breizh/.config/conky/sylv.sh}
#${color2}${font2}Sylvexplorer $hr$font$color${voffset 2}
#${texeci 3600 /home/breizh/.config/conky/sylv.sh}
${color2}${font2}MPD $hr$font$color${voffset 2}
$alignc${scroll wait 43 1 2 ${mpd_smart} }
$alignc${if_match "$mpd_album"!=""}${scroll wait 43 1 2 ${mpd_album}}$endif
@ -224,10 +224,10 @@
# Scale small icons up to this size, set to 0 to disable. Helpful
# for e.g. small files or high-dpi screens. In case of conflict,
# max_icon_size takes precedence over this.
min_icon_size = 16
min_icon_size = 32
# Scale larger icons down to this size, set to 0 to disable
max_icon_size = 32
max_icon_size = 48
# Paths to default icons (only necessary when not using recursive icon lookup)
icon_path = /usr/share/icons/Vertex-Icons/status/16:/usr/share/icons/Vertex-Icons/devices/16
@ -298,6 +298,7 @@ for_window [class="Qtconfig-qt4"] floating enable sticky enable border normal
for_window [class="(?i)TransportFever2"] border none fullscreen disable
for_window [class="(?i)System-config-printer.py"] floating enable border normal
for_window [class="(?i)variety"] floating enable
for_window [class="(?i)steam_app_1454400"] border none
# switch to workspace with urgent window automatically
for_window [urgent=latest] focus
for_window [instance="newsboat"] move scratchpad
@ -378,7 +379,7 @@ exec --no-startup-id steam-native -silent -noverifyfiles -language french
#exec --no-startup-id SVPManager
#exec --no-startup-id hp-systray -x
exec --no-startup-id sleep 20 && pamixer --set-volume 40 && play "$HOME/Musique/WELCOME BACK.wav"
exec --no-startup-id variety
#exec --no-startup-id variety
#exec --no-startup-id sleep 5m && qbittorrent
# Start i3bar to display a workspace bar (plus the system information i3status if available)
@ -284,13 +284,13 @@ input {
# An example of a pulseaudio output (streaming to a remote pulseaudio server)
audio_output {
type "pulse"
name "PipeWire Pulse"
#audio_output {
# type "pulse"
# name "PipeWire Pulse"
# server "remote_server" # optional
# sink "remote_server_sink" # optional
# media_role "media_role" #optional
# An example of a winmm output (Windows multimedia API).
@ -372,6 +372,12 @@ audio_output {
format "44100:16:2"
# pipewire
audio_output {
type "pipewire"
name "PipeWire"
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
function auto_loop()
local max = 5
local max = 20
local file_duration = mp.get_property_number("duration", 0)
-- Images have a duration of 0, so don’t loop and use
@ -406,7 +406,7 @@ connected_message_on_startup = no
#cyclic_scrolling = no
#lyrics_fetchers = azlyrics, genius, musixmatch, sing365, metrolyrics, justsomelyrics, jahlyrics, plyrics, tekstowo, zeneszoveg, internet
lyrics_fetchers = azlyrics, musixmatch, sing365, metrolyrics, justsomelyrics, jahlyrics, plyrics, tekstowo, zeneszoveg, internet
lyrics_fetchers = azlyrics, genius, musixmatch, sing365, metrolyrics, justsomelyrics, jahlyrics, plyrics, tekstowo, zeneszoveg, internet
#follow_now_playing_lyrics = no
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ datapath = /home/breizh/.local/share
aururl = https://aur.archlinux.org
newsurl = https://www.archlinux.org/feeds/news/
newsurl = https://archlinux.org/feeds/news/
socks5proxy =
aurhttpproxy =
aurhttpsproxy =
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# XScreenSaver Preferences File
# Written by xscreensaver-demo 5.44 for breizh on Tue Nov 17 23:23:30 2020.
# Written by xscreensaver-settings 6.09 for breizh on Fri Oct 18 22:41:09 2024.
# https://www.jwz.org/xscreensaver/
timeout: 0:15:00
@ -10,20 +10,14 @@ passwdTimeout: 0:00:30
visualID: default
installColormap: True
verbose: False
timestamp: True
splash: True
splashDuration: 0:00:05
demoCommand: xscreensaver-demo
prefsCommand: xscreensaver-demo -prefs
nice: 10
memoryLimit: 0
fade: True
unfade: False
fadeSeconds: 0:00:03
fadeTicks: 20
captureStderr: True
font: *-medium-r-*-140-*-m-*
dpmsEnabled: True
dpmsQuickOff: False
dpmsStandby: 1:00:00
@ -32,7 +26,7 @@ dpmsOff: 1:00:00
grabDesktopImages: True
grabVideoFrames: False
chooseRandomImages: True
imageDirectory: /home/breizh/.config/variety/Downloaded
imageDirectory: ~/.config/variety/Downloaded/
mode: random
selected: -1
@ -40,258 +34,270 @@ selected: -1
textMode: program
textLiteral: mepuʁkwaikskrinseivøʁdekonotãavεkl'yteεfɥit
textProgram: /home/breizh/.local/bin/screensaver
textURL: http://feeds.feedburner.com/bashfr?format=xml
textProgram: ~/.local/bin/screensaver
textURL: https://danstonchat.com/random
dialogTheme: default
settingsGeom: 0,0 -1,-1
programs: \
maze -root \n\
maze --root \n\
- electricsheep --root 1 \n\
- GL: superquadrics -root \n\
attraction -root \n\
blitspin -root \n\
greynetic -root \n\
helix -root \n\
hopalong -root \n\
imsmap -root \n\
- noseguy -root \n\
- pyro -root \n\
qix -root \n\
- rocks -root \n\
rorschach -root \n\
decayscreen -root \n\
- flame -root \n\
halo -root \n\
slidescreen -root \n\
pedal -root \n\
- bouboule -root \n\
- braid -root \n\
coral -root \n\
- deco -root \n\
- drift -root \n\
fadeplot -root \n\
galaxy -root \n\
- goop -root \n\
grav -root \n\
- ifs -root \n\
- GL: superquadrics --root \n\
attraction --root \n\
blitspin --root \n\
greynetic --root \n\
helix --root \n\
hopalong --root \n\
imsmap --root \n\
- noseguy --root \n\
- pyro --root \n\
qix --root \n\
- rocks --root \n\
rorschach --root \n\
decayscreen --root \n\
- flame --root \n\
halo --root \n\
slidescreen --root \n\
pedal --root \n\
- bouboule --root \n\
- braid --root \n\
coral --root \n\
- deco --root \n\
- drift --root \n\
fadeplot --root \n\
galaxy --root \n\
- goop --root \n\
grav --root \n\
- ifs --root \n\
GL: jigsaw -root -resolution 300 -fps \n\
julia -root \n\
kaleidescope -root \n\
- GL: moebius -root \n\
- moire -root \n\
GL: morph3d -root \n\
mountain -root \n\
munch -root \n\
penrose -root \n\
GL: pipes -root \n\
- rd-bomb -root \n\
julia --root \n\
kaleidescope --root \n\
- GL: moebius --root \n\
- moire --root \n\
GL: morph3d --root \n\
mountain --root \n\
munch --root \n\
penrose --root \n\
GL: pipes --root \n\
- rd-bomb --root \n\
GL: rubik -root -hideshuffling \n\
- sierpinski -root \n\
slip -root \n\
GL: sproingies -root \n\
starfish -root \n\
strange -root \n\
swirl -root \n\
triangle -root \n\
xjack -root \n\
- xlyap -root \n\
- GL: atlantis -root \n\
- sierpinski --root \n\
slip --root \n\
GL: sproingies --root \n\
starfish --root \n\
strange --root \n\
swirl --root \n\
triangle --root \n\
xjack --root \n\
- xlyap --root \n\
- GL: atlantis --root \n\
bsod -root -atari -bsd -sparclinux \n\
- GL: bubble3d -root \n\
GL: cage -root \n\
- crystal -root \n\
cynosure -root \n\
- discrete -root \n\
distort -root \n\
epicycle -root \n\
flow -root \n\
- GL: glplanet -root \n\
- interference -root \n\
kumppa -root \n\
- GL: lament -root \n\
- moire2 -root \n\
- GL: bubble3d --root \n\
GL: cage --root \n\
- crystal --root \n\
cynosure --root \n\
- discrete --root \n\
distort --root \n\
epicycle --root \n\
flow --root \n\
- GL: glplanet --root \n\
- interference --root \n\
kumppa --root \n\
- GL: lament --root \n\
- moire2 --root \n\
any: sonar -root -ping $HOME/.ssh/known_hosts \n\
GL: stairs -root \n\
- truchet -root \n\
- vidwhacker -root \n\
blaster -root \n\
bumps -root \n\
ccurve -root \n\
compass -root \n\
deluxe -root \n\
- demon -root \n\
- GL: extrusion -root \n\
loop -root \n\
GL: stairs --root \n\
- truchet --root \n\
- vidwhacker --root \n\
blaster --root \n\
bumps --root \n\
ccurve --root \n\
compass --root \n\
deluxe --root \n\
- demon --root \n\
- GL: extrusion --root \n\
loop --root \n\
penetrate -root -smart \n\
petri -root \n\
petri --root \n\
phosphor -root -scale 4 -fg #ff7900 \n\
GL: pulsar -root \n\
ripples -root \n\
shadebobs -root \n\
GL: sierpinski3d -root \n\
spotlight -root \n\
squiral -root \n\
- wander -root \n\
webcollage -root \n\
- xflame -root \n\
xmatrix -root \n\
GL: gflux -root \n\
- nerverot -root \n\
xrayswarm -root \n\
xspirograph -root \n\
- GL: circuit -root \n\
- GL: dangerball -root \n\
- GL: dnalogo -root \n\
GL: pulsar --root \n\
ripples --root \n\
shadebobs --root \n\
GL: sierpinski3d --root \n\
spotlight --root \n\
squiral --root \n\
- wander --root \n\
webcollage --root \n\
- xflame --root \n\
xmatrix --root \n\
GL: gflux --root \n\
- nerverot --root \n\
xrayswarm --root \n\
xspirograph --root \n\
- GL: circuit --root \n\
- GL: dangerball --root \n\
- GL: dnalogo --root \n\
GL: engine -root -titles \n\
GL: flipscreen3d -root \n\
- GL: gltext -root \n\
GL: menger -root \n\
GL: flipscreen3d --root \n\
- GL: gltext --root \n\
GL: menger --root \n\
GL: molecule -root -no-labels -no-shells \n\
rotzoomer -root \n\
- speedmine -root \n\
GL: starwars -root \n\
GL: stonerview -root \n\
vermiculate -root \n\
whirlwindwarp -root \n\
zoom -root \n\
- anemone -root \n\
apollonian -root \n\
GL: boxed -root \n\
- GL: cubenetic -root \n\
GL: endgame -root \n\
euler2d -root \n\
fluidballs -root \n\
GL: flurry -root \n\
GL: glblur -root \n\
GL: glsnake -root \n\
halftone -root \n\
GL: juggler3d -root \n\
- GL: lavalite -root \n\
- polyominoes -root \n\
GL: queens -root \n\
- GL: sballs -root \n\
- GL: spheremonics -root \n\
- thornbird -root \n\
twang -root \n\
GL: antspotlight -root \n\
apple2 -root \n\
GL: atunnel -root \n\
barcode -root \n\
GL: blinkbox -root \n\
GL: blocktube -root \n\
- GL: bouncingcow -root \n\
- cloudlife -root \n\
GL: cubestorm -root \n\
eruption -root \n\
rotzoomer --root \n\
- speedmine --root \n\
GL: starwars --root \n\
GL: stonerview --root \n\
vermiculate --root \n\
whirlwindwarp --root \n\
zoom --root \n\
- anemone --root \n\
apollonian --root \n\
GL: boxed --root \n\
- GL: cubenetic --root \n\
GL: endgame --root \n\
euler2d --root \n\
fluidballs --root \n\
GL: flurry --root \n\
GL: glblur --root \n\
GL: glsnake --root \n\
halftone --root \n\
GL: juggler3d --root \n\
- GL: lavalite --root \n\
- polyominoes --root \n\
GL: queens --root \n\
- GL: sballs --root \n\
- GL: spheremonics --root \n\
- thornbird --root \n\
twang --root \n\
GL: antspotlight --root \n\
apple2 --root \n\
GL: atunnel --root \n\
barcode --root \n\
GL: blinkbox --root \n\
GL: blocktube --root \n\
- GL: bouncingcow --root \n\
- cloudlife --root \n\
GL: cubestorm --root \n\
eruption --root \n\
GL: flipflop -root -texture \n\
- GL: flyingtoasters -root \n\
fontglide -root \n\
GL: gleidescope -root \n\
- GL: glknots -root \n\
GL: glmatrix -root \n\
GL: glslideshow -root \n\
GL: hypertorus -root \n\
- GL: jigglypuff -root \n\
- metaballs -root \n\
GL: mirrorblob -root \n\
piecewise -root \n\
GL: polytopes -root \n\
pong -root \n\
- popsquares -root \n\
GL: surfaces -root \n\
xanalogtv -root \n\
abstractile -root \n\
anemotaxis -root \n\
- GL: antinspect -root \n\
- GL: flyingtoasters --root \n\
fontglide --root \n\
GL: gleidescope --root \n\
- GL: glknots --root \n\
GL: glmatrix --root \n\
GL: glslideshow --root \n\
GL: hypertorus --root \n\
- GL: jigglypuff --root \n\
- metaballs --root \n\
GL: mirrorblob --root \n\
piecewise --root \n\
GL: polytopes --root \n\
pong --root \n\
- popsquares --root \n\
GL: surfaces --root \n\
xanalogtv --root \n\
abstractile --root \n\
anemotaxis --root \n\
- GL: antinspect --root \n\
fireworkx -root -maxlife 35 -shoot \n\
- fuzzyflakes -root \n\
interaggregate -root \n\
intermomentary -root \n\
memscroller -root \n\
GL: noof -root \n\
pacman -root \n\
- fuzzyflakes --root \n\
interaggregate --root \n\
intermomentary --root \n\
memscroller --root \n\
GL: noof --root \n\
pacman --root \n\
GL: pinion -root -fps \n\
GL: polyhedra -root -duration 27 \n\
- GL: providence -root \n\
substrate -root \n\
wormhole -root \n\
- GL: antmaze -root \n\
- GL: boing -root \n\
boxfit -root \n\
- GL: providence --root \n\
substrate --root \n\
wormhole --root \n\
- GL: antmaze --root \n\
- GL: boing --root \n\
boxfit --root \n\
GL: carousel -root -no-titles \n\
celtic -root \n\
GL: crackberg -root \n\
GL: cube21 -root \n\
- fiberlamp -root \n\
celtic --root \n\
GL: crackberg --root \n\
GL: cube21 --root \n\
- fiberlamp --root \n\
GL: fliptext -root -alignment left \n\
GL: glhanoi -root \n\
GL: tangram -root \n\
- GL: timetunnel -root \n\
- GL: glschool -root \n\
GL: topblock -root \n\
GL: cubicgrid -root \n\
- cwaves -root \n\
GL: gears -root \n\
- GL: glcells -root \n\
GL: lockward -root \n\
m6502 -root \n\
GL: moebiusgears -root \n\
- GL: voronoi -root \n\
- GL: hypnowheel -root \n\
GL: klein -root \n\
- lcdscrub -root \n\
GL: glhanoi --root \n\
GL: tangram --root \n\
- GL: timetunnel --root \n\
- GL: glschool --root \n\
GL: topblock --root \n\
GL: cubicgrid --root \n\
- cwaves --root \n\
GL: gears --root \n\
- GL: glcells --root \n\
GL: lockward --root \n\
m6502 --root \n\
GL: moebiusgears --root \n\
- GL: voronoi --root \n\
- GL: hypnowheel --root \n\
GL: klein --root \n\
- lcdscrub --root \n\
GL: photopile -root -no-titles \n\
- GL: skytentacles -root \n\
GL: rubikblocks -root \n\
GL: companioncube -root \n\
- GL: hilbert -root \n\
GL: tronbit -root \n\
GL: geodesic -root \n\
hexadrop -root \n\
GL: kaleidocycle -root \n\
- GL: quasicrystal -root \n\
- GL: unknownpleasures -root \n\
binaryring -root \n\
GL: cityflow -root \n\
GL: geodesicgears -root \n\
GL: projectiveplane -root \n\
- GL: romanboy -root \n\
- tessellimage -root \n\
- GL: winduprobot -root \n\
GL: splitflap -root \n\
GL: dymaxionmap -root \n\
GL: energystream -root \n\
- GL: hydrostat -root \n\
GL: raverhoop -root \n\
GL: unicrud -root \n\
GL: cubestack -root \n\
GL: cubetwist -root \n\
GL: discoball -root \n\
GL: hexstrut -root \n\
GL: splodesic -root \n\
GL: vigilance -root \n\
GL: esper -root \n\
GL: crumbler -root \n\
GL: maze3d -root \n\
GL: peepers -root \n\
GL: razzledazzle -root \n\
filmleader -root \n\
glitchpeg -root \n\
vfeedback -root \n\
GL: handsy -root \n\
GL: deepstars -root \n\
GL: gravitywell -root \n\
scooter -root \n\
GL: etruscanvenus -root \n\
GL: gibson -root \n\
- GL: skytentacles --root \n\
GL: rubikblocks --root \n\
GL: companioncube --root \n\
- GL: hilbert --root \n\
GL: tronbit --root \n\
GL: geodesic --root \n\
hexadrop --root \n\
GL: kaleidocycle --root \n\
- GL: quasicrystal --root \n\
- GL: unknownpleasures --root \n\
binaryring --root \n\
GL: cityflow --root \n\
GL: geodesicgears --root \n\
GL: projectiveplane --root \n\
- GL: romanboy --root \n\
- tessellimage --root \n\
- GL: winduprobot --root \n\
GL: splitflap --root \n\
GL: dymaxionmap --root \n\
GL: energystream --root \n\
- GL: hydrostat --root \n\
GL: raverhoop --root \n\
GL: unicrud --root \n\
GL: cubestack --root \n\
GL: cubetwist --root \n\
GL: discoball --root \n\
GL: hexstrut --root \n\
GL: splodesic --root \n\
GL: vigilance --root \n\
GL: esper --root \n\
GL: crumbler --root \n\
GL: maze3d --root \n\
GL: peepers --root \n\
GL: razzledazzle --root \n\
filmleader --root \n\
glitchpeg --root \n\
vfeedback --root \n\
GL: handsy --root \n\
GL: deepstars --root \n\
GL: gravitywell --root \n\
scooter --root \n\
GL: etruscanvenus --root \n\
GL: gibson --root \n\
GL: beats --root \n\
GL: covid19 --root \n\
GL: headroom --root \n\
GL: sphereeversion --root \n\
binaryhorizon --root \n\
marbling --root \n\
GL: chompytower --root \n\
GL: hextrail --root \n\
GL: mapscroller --root \n\
GL: nakagin --root \n\
GL: squirtorus --root \n\
GL: cubocteversion --root \n\
droste --root \n\
GL: papercube --root \n\
GL: skulloop --root \n\
GL: highvoltage --root \n\
GL: kallisti --root \n\
pointerPollTime: 0:00:05
pointerHysteresis: 10
initialDelay: 0:00:00
procInterrupts: True
xinputExtensionDev: False
overlayStderr: True
authWarningSlack: 20
Add table
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