Mise à jour Conky et fonds d’écran
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 266 additions and 15 deletions
@ -8,15 +8,15 @@ conky.config = {
draw_outline = true,
minimum_width = 260,
maximum_width = 260,
minimum_height = 0,
minimum_height = 1080,
gap_x = 5,
gap_y = 5,
no_buffers = true,
own_window = true,
own_window_class = Conky,
own_window_type = 'override',
own_window_transparent = true,
own_window_colour = '#000000',
own_window_transparent = false,
own_window_colour = '#2D2D2D',
update_interval = 1.0,
use_xft = true,
default_color = 'A09F93',
@ -82,9 +82,9 @@ ${template2 5}
${color2}${font2}Carte graphique $hr${font}${color}
${voffset 2}Usage${goto 140}${texeci 3 conky_radeon}%
VRAM: ${texeci 3 conky_radeon vram mb}M${goto 140}${texeci 3 conky_radeon vram}%
Temp${goto 140}${if_match ${execi 5 sensors -j | jq '."amdgpu-pci-0900"."edge"."temp1_input"'}>70}${color F2777A}$endif${execi 5 sensors -j | jq '."amdgpu-pci-0900"."edge"."temp1_input"' | cut -d. -f1}°C${color}
Conso${goto 140}${if_match ${execi 5 sensors -j | jq '."amdgpu-pci-0900"."power1"."power1_average"'}>180}${color F2777A}$endif${execi 5 sensors -j | jq '."amdgpu-pci-0900"."power1"."power1_average"' | cut -d. -f1} W${color}
Ventilo${goto 140}${if_match ${execi 5 sensors -j | jq '."amdgpu-pci-0900"."fan1"."fan1_input"'}>3000}${color F2777A}$endif${execi 5 sensors -j | jq '."amdgpu-pci-0900"."fan1"."fan1_input"' | cut -d. -f1} RPM${color}
Temp${goto 140}${if_match ${execi 5 sensors -j | jq '."amdgpu-pci-2700"."edge"."temp1_input"'}>70}${color F2777A}$endif${execi 5 sensors -j | jq '."amdgpu-pci-2700"."edge"."temp1_input"' | cut -d. -f1}°C${color}
Conso${goto 140}${if_match ${execi 5 sensors -j | jq '."amdgpu-pci-2700"."power1"."power1_average"'}>180}${color F2777A}$endif${execi 5 sensors -j | jq '."amdgpu-pci-2700"."power1"."power1_average"' | cut -d. -f1} W${color}
Ventilo${goto 140}${if_match ${execi 5 sensors -j | jq '."amdgpu-pci-2700"."fan1"."fan1_input"'}>3000}${color F2777A}$endif${execi 5 sensors -j | jq '."amdgpu-pci-2700"."fan1"."fan1_input"' | cut -d. -f1} RPM${color}
${color2}${font2}Système $hr$font$color${voffset 2}
Kernel${goto 140}$kernel
@ -9,15 +9,15 @@ conky.config = {
draw_outline = true,
minimum_width = 260,
maximum_width = 260,
minimum_height = 0,
minimum_height = 1080,
gap_x = 5,
gap_y = 5,
no_buffers = true,
own_window = true,
own_window_class = Conky,
own_window_type = 'override',
own_window_transparent = true,
own_window_colour = '#000000',
own_window_transparent = false,
own_window_colour = '#2D2D2D',
update_interval = 1.0,
use_xft = true,
default_color = 'A09F93',
@ -59,12 +59,12 @@ ${template0 5}
#${template0 10}
${color2}${font2}Réseau $hr$font$color
${voffset 2}Téléchargement ${downspeed enp6s0}${goto 140}Téléversement ${upspeed enp6s0}
${downspeedgraph enp6s0 25,125}${alignr}${upspeedgraph enp6s0 25,125}
Téléchargé ${totaldown enp6s0}${goto 140}Téléversé ${totalup enp6s0}
${voffset 2}Téléchargement ${downspeed enp34s0}${goto 140}Téléversement ${upspeed enp34s0}
${downspeedgraph enp34s0 25,125}${alignr}${upspeedgraph enp34s0 25,125}
Téléchargé ${totaldown enp34s0}${goto 140}Téléversé ${totalup enp34s0}
$alignc${addrs enp6s0}
$alignc${scroll left 39 2 1 ${v6addrs enp6s0 -n -s}}
$alignc${addrs enp34s0}
$alignc${scroll left 39 2 1 ${v6addrs enp34s0 -n -s}}
$alignc${curl ifconfig.co/ip}${if_up tun0}
${color2}${font2}VPN $hr$font$color
${voffset 2}Téléchargement ${downspeed tun0}${goto 140}Téléversement ${upspeed tun0}
@ -76,7 +76,6 @@ $alignc${scroll left 39 2 1 ${v6addrs tun0 -n -s}}
${color2}${font2}Capteurs $hr$font$color${voffset 2}
CPU${goto 140}${if_match ${execi 5 sensors -j | jq '."zenpower-pci-00c3"."Tdie"."temp1_input"'}>70}${color F2777A}$endif${execi 5 sensors -j | jq '."zenpower-pci-00c3"."Tdie"."temp1_input"' | cut -d. -f1}°C${color}
Pièce${goto 140}${if_match ${execi 5 sensors -j | jq '."it8686-isa-0a60"."room"."temp2_input"'}>=25}${color F2777A}$endif${execi 5 sensors -j | jq '."it8686-isa-0a60"."room"."temp2_input"' | cut -d. -f1}°C${color}
${color2}${font2}Sylvexplorer $hr$font$color${voffset 2}
${texeci 3600 /home/breizh/.config/conky/sylv.sh}
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
# This script is run by Variety when a new wallpaper is set.
# You can use bash, python or whatever suits you for the script.
# Here you can put custom commands for setting the wallpaper on your specific desktop environment
# or run commands like notify-send to notify you of the change, or you can
# run commands that would theme your browser, login screen or whatever you desire.
# $1: The first passed parameter is the absolute path to the wallpaper image to be set as wallpaper
# (after effects, clock, etc. are applied).
# $2: The second passed parameter is "auto" when the wallpaper is changed automatically (i.e. regular change), "manual"
# when the user has triggered the change or "refresh" when the change is triggered by a change in quotes, clock, etc.
# $3: The third passed parameter is the absolute path to the original wallpaper image (before effects, clock, etc.)
# echo "$1" # /home/username/.config/variety/wallpaper/wallpaper-clock-fac0eef772f9b03bd9c0f82a79d72506.jpg
# echo "$2" # auto
# echo "$3" # /home/username/Pictures/Wallpapers/Nature/green-tunnel-1920x1080-wallpaper-861.jpg
# Here you may apply some additional custom operations on the wallpaper before it is applied.
# In the end put the path to the actual final wallpaper image file in the WP variable.
# The default is to simply set WP=$1.
# Décalage Conky
convert "$3" -geometry 1380x1058 -background "#2d2d2d" -compose Copy -gravity Center -extent 1380x1058 "$WP"
convert "$WP" -geometry 1920x1080 -background "#2d2d2d" -compose Copy -gravity Center -extent 1920x1080+0+22 "$WP"
# Météo
#touch -t $(date +%Y%m%d%H%M -d "now-1hour") /dev/shm/meteo.png.timestamp
#if [[ ! -f "/dev/shm/meteo.png" ]] || [[ "/dev/shm/meteo.png" -ot "/dev/shm/meteo.png.timestamp" ]]
# convert <(curl fr.wttr.in/Rennes_0q.png) -fill "#2d2d2d" -opaque "#000000" /dev/shm/meteo.png
#convert "$WP" /dev/shm/meteo.png -gravity SouthEast -geometry +7+22 -composite "$WP"
# Enlightenment
# Needs Modules/System/DBus Extension loaded to work
if [[ "$DESKTOP" == *"Enlightenment"* ]] || [[ "$DESKTOP" == *"Moksha"* ]]; then
images { image: "@IMAGE@" USER; }
collections {
group {
name: "e/desktop/background";
data { item: "style" "4"; item: "noanimation" "1"; }
max: @WIDTH@ @HEIGHT@;
parts {
part {
name: "bg";
mouse_events: 0;
description {
state: "default" 0.0;
aspect: @ASPECT@ @ASPECT@;
aspect_preference: NONE;
image { normal: "@IMAGE@"; scale_hint: STATIC; }
DIMENSION="$(identify -format "%w/%h" "$WP")"
if [ ! -z "$DIMENSION" ]; then
WIDTH="$(echo "$DIMENSION" | cut -d/ -f1)"
HEIGHT="$(echo "$DIMENSION" | cut -d/ -f2)"
IMAGE="$(echo "$WP" | sed 's/[^[:alnum:]_-]/\\&/g')"
if [ -z "$HEIGHT" ] || [ "$HEIGHT" = "0" ]; then
ASPECT="$(echo "scale=9; $DIMENSION" | bc)"
printf "%s" "$TEMPLATE" | \
sed "s/@ASPECT@/$ASPECT/g; s/@WIDTH@/$WIDTH/g; s/@HEIGHT@/$HEIGHT/g; s|@IMAGE@|$IMAGE|g" > "$OFILE.edc"
edje_cc "$OFILE.edc" "$OFILE.edj" 2>/dev/null
rm "$OFILE.edc"
## Get the current number of virtual desktops
desk_x_count=$(enlightenment_remote -desktops-get | awk '{print $1}')
desk_y_count=$(enlightenment_remote -desktops-get | awk '{print $2}')
## Get the current number of screens
# If xrandr is available use it to get screen desk_x_count
if command -v xrandr >/dev/null 2>&1; then
screen_count=$(xrandr -q | grep -c ' connected')
## Set the wallpaper for each virtual desktop
for ((x=0; x<desk_x_count; x++)); do
for ((y=0; y<desk_y_count; y++)); do
for ((z=0; z<screen_count; z++)); do
# -desktop-bg-add OPT1 OPT2 OPT3 OPT4 OPT5 Add a desktop bg definition.
# OPT1 = ContainerNo OPT2 = ZoneNo OPT3 = Desk_x. OPT4 = Desk_y. OPT5 = bg file path
enlightenment_remote -desktop-bg-add 0 "$z" "$x" "$y" "$OFILE.edj"&
# Remove all Variety wallpapers, but the current one and the previous one
# as we are calling enlightenment_remote asynchronously, if the previous wallpaper hasn't been
# replaced yet then the wallpaper will get set back to the theme one causing ugly artifacts
if [ -e "$LAST_WALLPAPER_FILE" ]; then
find "$OUTPUT_DIR" -name "variety_wallpaper*.*" | grep -v "$OFILE.edj" | grep -v "$(cat "$LAST_WALLPAPER_FILE")" | xargs rm
find "$OUTPUT_DIR" -name "variety_wallpaper*.*" | grep -v "$OFILE.edj" | xargs rm
exit 0
# KDE: Users on KDE 4 or Plasma < 5.7 will have to manually choose ~/Pictures/variety-wallpaper/ as a slideshow folder with a short interval.
# Afterwards, with the command below, Variety will just overwrite the single file there when changing the wallpaper
# and KDE will refresh it
# On Plasma 5.7 and above, the wallpaper choosing is automatic.
if [ "${KDE_FULL_SESSION}" == "true" ]; then
# Plasma 5.7 introduced a new feature to set the wallpaper via a qdbus script:
# https://github.com/KDE/plasma-workspace/commit/903cbfd7e267a4812a6ec222eb7e1b5dd775686f
if [[ -n "${KDE_SESSION_VERSION}" && "${KDE_SESSION_VERSION}" == '5' ]]; then
qdbus org.kde.plasmashell /PlasmaShell org.kde.PlasmaShell.evaluateScript "
var allDesktops = desktops();
for (i=0; i < allDesktops.length; i++) {
d = allDesktops[i];
d.wallpaperPlugin = 'org.kde.image';
d.currentConfigGroup = Array('Wallpaper', 'org.kde.image', 'General');
d.writeConfig('Image', 'file://""$WP""')
# Reuse the exit code from qdbus
exit "$?"
WALLDIR="$(xdg-user-dir PICTURES)/variety-wallpaper"
mkdir -p "$WALLDIR"
# Remove all old wallpapers
rm -fv "${WALLDIR}"/*
cp "$WP" "$NEWWP"
touch "$NEWWP"
# Cinnamon, for cases when it is detectable
if [ "$XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP" == "X-Cinnamon" ]; then
gsettings set org.cinnamon.background picture-uri "file://$WP" 2> /dev/null
if [ "$(gsettings get org.cinnamon.background picture-options)" == "'none'" ]; then
gsettings set org.cinnamon.background picture-options 'zoom'
gsettings set org.cinnamon.desktop.background picture-uri "file://$WP" 2> /dev/null
if [ "$(gsettings get org.cinnamon.desktop.background picture-options)" == "'none'" ]; then
gsettings set org.cinnamon.desktop.background picture-options 'zoom'
exit 0
# Gnome 3, Unity
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.background picture-uri "file://$WP" 2> /dev/null
if [ "$(gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.background picture-options)" == "'none'" ]; then
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.background picture-options 'zoom'
# Deepin
if [ "$(gsettings list-schemas | grep -c com.deepin.wrap.gnome.desktop.background)" -ge 1 ]; then
gsettings set com.deepin.wrap.gnome.desktop.background picture-uri "file://$WP"
if [ "$(gsettings get com.deepin.wrap.gnome.desktop.background picture-options)" == "'none'" ]; then
gsettings set com.deepin.wrap.gnome.desktop.background picture-options 'zoom'
command -v xfconf-query >/dev/null 2>&1
if [[ $rc = 0 ]] ; then
for i in $(xfconf-query -c xfce4-desktop -p /backdrop -l | grep -E -e "screen.*/monitor.*image-path$" -e "screen.*/monitor.*/last-image$"); do
xfconf-query -c xfce4-desktop -p "$i" -n -t string -s "" 2> /dev/null
xfconf-query -c xfce4-desktop -p "$i" -s "" 2> /dev/null
xfconf-query -c xfce4-desktop -p "$i" -s "$WP" 2> /dev/null
if [ "$XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP" == "LXDE" ]; then
pcmanfm --set-wallpaper "$WP" 2> /dev/null
# LXQt/PCmanFM-qt
if [ "$XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP" == "LXQt" ]; then
pcmanfm-qt --set-wallpaper "$WP" 2> /dev/null
# i3, openbox, dwm: use either feh or nitrogen
if [[ "$XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP" == "i3"* ]] || [[ "$XDG_SESSION_DESKTOP" == "i3"* ]] ||
[[ "$DESKTOP_SESSION" == "openbox" ]] || [[ "$XDG_SESSION_DESKTOP" == *"dwm"* ]] ||
[[ "$XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP" == *"dwm"* ]]; then
if command -v "feh" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
feh --bg-max --xinerama-index 0 "$WP" 2> /dev/null
elif command -v "nitrogen" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
nitrogen --set-zoom-fill --save "$WP" 2> /dev/null
# trinity
if [ "$XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP" == "Trinity" ]; then
dcop kdesktop KBackgroundIface setWallpaper "$WP" 4 2> /dev/null
# MATE after 1.6
gsettings set org.mate.background picture-filename "$WP" 2> /dev/null
# MATE before 1.6
mateconftool-2 -t string -s /desktop/mate/background/picture_filename "$WP" 2> /dev/null
# Cinnamon after 1.8, before 2.0
gsettings set org.cinnamon.background picture-uri "file://$WP" 2> /dev/null
# Cinnamon after 2.0
gsettings set org.cinnamon.desktop.background picture-uri "file://$WP" 2> /dev/null
# Gnome 2
gconftool-2 -t string -s /desktop/gnome/background/picture_filename "$WP" 2> /dev/null
# Awesome Window Manager
# Set the path to the wallpaper using awesome-client, which communicates with awesome using D-Bus.
# Be sure to start variety when you start awesome, such as by adding it to ~/.xinitrc in Arch Linux.
# echo "local gears = require(\"gears\") gears.wallpaper.maximized(\"$1\", s, true)" | awesome-client
# NOTE: This config will change the wallpaper after your current awesome theme sets it.
# As such, the theme's wallpaper will briefly appear before being replaced with variety's wallpaper.
# Show a notification on wallpaper change (only when the change is automatic). Display the original filename, but the post-effects image.
# name=$(echo "$3" | sed 's/\//\n/g'| tail -n 1)
# if [ "$2" == "auto" ]; then notify-send --icon "$WP" "Wallpaper changed" "$name" ; fi
Add table
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