diff --git a/.config/conky/conkyrc2 b/.config/conky/conkyrc2
index 6f41f07..68a2b08 100644
--- a/.config/conky/conkyrc2
+++ b/.config/conky/conkyrc2
@@ -64,8 +64,8 @@ ${downspeedgraph enp34s0 25,125}${alignr}${upspeedgraph enp34s0 25,125}
Téléchargé ${totaldown enp34s0}${goto 140}Téléversé ${totalup enp34s0}
$alignc${addrs enp34s0}
-$alignc${scroll left 39 2 1 ${v6addrs enp34s0 -n -s}}
-$alignc${curl ifconfig.co/ip}$alignc${curl ip.yunohost.org}${if_up tun0}
+$alignc${scroll left 39 2 1 ${v6addrs enp34s0 -n -s}}${if_up tun0}
+#$alignc${curl ifconfig.co/ip}$alignc${curl ip.yunohost.org}${if_up tun0}
${color2}${font2}VPN $hr$font$color
${voffset 2}Téléchargement ${downspeed tun0}${goto 140}Téléversement ${upspeed tun0}
${downspeedgraph tun0 25,125}${alignr}${upspeedgraph tun0 25,125}
diff --git a/.config/i3/config b/.config/i3/config
index b20562c..b487ff3 100644
--- a/.config/i3/config
+++ b/.config/i3/config
@@ -369,13 +369,13 @@ exec --no-startup-id nm-applet
exec --no-startup-id steam-native -silent -noverifyfiles -language french
#exec --no-startup-id SVPManager
#exec --no-startup-id hp-systray -x
-exec --no-startup-id play "$HOME/Musique/WELCOME BACK.wav"
-exec --no-startup-id variety
+exec --no-startup-id sleep 5 && play "$HOME/Musique/WELCOME BACK.wav"
+# exec --no-startup-id variety
# Start i3bar to display a workspace bar (plus the system information i3status if available)
bar {
# position top
- status_command i3blocks
+ status_command 2>/tmp/i3blocks.err i3blocks
## please set your primary output first. Example: 'xrandr --output eDP1 --primary'
tray_output primary
diff --git a/.config/i3blocks/config b/.config/i3blocks/config
index 1b30b38..18b5478 100644
--- a/.config/i3blocks/config
+++ b/.config/i3blocks/config
@@ -31,9 +31,9 @@ markup=pango
#command=echo $(xdotool getactivewindow getwindowname)
-command=echo " "
+#command=echo " "
# Generic media player support
diff --git a/.i3blocks/mpd b/.i3blocks/mpd
index f45a43d..8cb9843 100755
--- a/.i3blocks/mpd
+++ b/.i3blocks/mpd
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+#!/bin/bash -x
# Fonction de réinitialisation en cas de perte de la connexion
self-reset() {
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ coproc nc -U /home/breizh/.mpd/socket
#echo "password xxx" >&${IN}
-#sed '/^OK$/q' <&$OUT &>/dev/null
+sed '/^OK/q' <&$OUT &>/dev/null
# Initialisation des valeurs par défaut et des fonctions
declare -i SCROLL=50 I=0
@@ -58,12 +58,14 @@ do
1|3) [[ "${o["state"]}" == stop ]] \
&& echo "play" >&${IN} \
- && sed '/^OK$/q' <&$OUT &>/dev/null ;;&
+ && sed '/^OK$/q' <&$OUT &>/dev/null \
+ || self-reset ;;&
2) [[ "${o["state"]}" == stop ]] \
&& echo "play" >&${IN} \
- || echo "pause" >&${IN} ;;&
- 1) echo "previous" >&${IN} ;;&
- 3) echo "next" >&${IN} ;;&
+ || echo "pause" >&${IN} \
+ || self-reset ;;&
+ 1) echo "previous" >&${IN} || self-reset ;;&
+ 3) echo "next" >&${IN} || self-reset ;;&
1|2|3) sed '/^OK$/q' <&$OUT &>/dev/null ;;
@@ -72,7 +74,7 @@ do
declare -A o
# Récupération de l’état
- echo "status" >&$IN
+ echo "status" >&$IN || self-reset
while read -t 1 -u $OUT output
[[ "$output" == "OK" ]] && break
@@ -80,7 +82,7 @@ do
# Récupération des informations du morceau en cours
- echo "currentsong" >&$IN
+ echo "currentsong" >&$IN || self-reset
while read -t 1 -u $OUT output
[[ "$output" == "OK" ]] && break
@@ -102,7 +104,7 @@ do
unset bloc1 bloc2 bloc3 bloc4
- [[ -z "$artist$song" ]] && song="${o["file"]}"
+ [[ -z "$artist$song" ]] && song="$(basename "${o["file"]}")"
if [[ "$(( ${#song} + ${#artist} + 1 ))" -gt "$SCROLL" ]]
@@ -159,4 +161,4 @@ do
printf '%s%s%s%s%s\n' "$bloc1" "$bloc2" "$bloc3" "$bloc4" " $status$time"
diff --git a/.local/bin/set_wall_clock b/.local/bin/set_wall_clock
index 70a37e5..3202744 100755
--- a/.local/bin/set_wall_clock
+++ b/.local/bin/set_wall_clock
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
+#!/bin/bash -e
-feh --no-fehbg --bg-fill /tmp/output.png
+if [[ -f /tmp/output.png ]]
+ feh --no-fehbg --bg-center /tmp/output.png
cd ~/Images/clocks/Traveler/
diff --git a/.vim/autoload/pathogen.vim b/.vim/autoload/pathogen.vim
deleted file mode 120000
index a47dcdf..0000000
--- a/.vim/autoload/pathogen.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.vim/bundle/base16-vim b/.vim/bundle/base16-vim
deleted file mode 160000
index fcce6bc..0000000
--- a/.vim/bundle/base16-vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-Subproject commit fcce6bce6a2f4b14eea7ea388031c0aa65e4b67d
diff --git a/.vim/bundle/onedark.vim b/.vim/bundle/onedark.vim
deleted file mode 160000
index 2a6155a..0000000
--- a/.vim/bundle/onedark.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-Subproject commit 2a6155a255e83bb930da2627dce4259a3fe4ce3a
diff --git a/.vim/bundle/rtorrent-syntax-file b/.vim/bundle/rtorrent-syntax-file
deleted file mode 160000
index 1bc04a5..0000000
--- a/.vim/bundle/rtorrent-syntax-file
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-Subproject commit 1bc04a5b146fa52ff94dac9ce5c5800e051a9b0b
diff --git a/.vim/bundle/sieve.vim b/.vim/bundle/sieve.vim
deleted file mode 160000
index 934cec0..0000000
--- a/.vim/bundle/sieve.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-Subproject commit 934cec007c0e7b380603bce99b6139a894105252
diff --git a/.vim/bundle/vim-Grammalecte b/.vim/bundle/vim-Grammalecte
deleted file mode 160000
index a93ee1b..0000000
--- a/.vim/bundle/vim-Grammalecte
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-Subproject commit a93ee1b7a4dadb82ca7ba793faf3047f6f6863d7
diff --git a/.vim/bundle/vim-fish b/.vim/bundle/vim-fish
deleted file mode 160000
index 3fe6db2..0000000
--- a/.vim/bundle/vim-fish
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-Subproject commit 3fe6db25bf03b16e87a162172dd3f908be7d028d
diff --git a/.vim/bundle/vim-latex-live-preview b/.vim/bundle/vim-latex-live-preview
deleted file mode 160000
index 855c309..0000000
--- a/.vim/bundle/vim-latex-live-preview
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-Subproject commit 855c30915547c7e9c19b7e6efb528730c071d2e8
diff --git a/.vim/bundle/vim-syntax-lighttpd b/.vim/bundle/vim-syntax-lighttpd
deleted file mode 160000
index eb9483c..0000000
--- a/.vim/bundle/vim-syntax-lighttpd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-Subproject commit eb9483c32f4e73452be2f18be21f7060f4e28c96
diff --git a/.vim/bundle/vim-table-mode b/.vim/bundle/vim-table-mode
deleted file mode 160000
index 5483e16..0000000
--- a/.vim/bundle/vim-table-mode
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-Subproject commit 5483e163bd0a67e729e0e8436315f33f9e126baf
diff --git a/.vim/colors/base16-eighties.vim b/.vim/colors/base16-eighties.vim
index 4bff7e2..db81e9f 100644
--- a/.vim/colors/base16-eighties.vim
+++ b/.vim/colors/base16-eighties.vim
@@ -8,55 +8,93 @@
" :colorscheme works in terminals supported by base16-shell scripts
" User must set this variable in .vimrc
" let g:base16_shell_path=base16-builder/output/shell/
-if !has('gui_running')
+if !has("gui_running")
if exists("g:base16_shell_path")
execute "silent !/bin/sh ".g:base16_shell_path."/base16-eighties.sh"
" GUI color definitions
-let s:gui00 = "2d2d2d"
-let s:gui01 = "393939"
-let s:gui02 = "515151"
-let s:gui03 = "747369"
-let s:gui04 = "a09f93"
-let s:gui05 = "d3d0c8"
-let s:gui06 = "e8e6df"
-let s:gui07 = "f2f0ec"
-let s:gui08 = "f2777a"
-let s:gui09 = "f99157"
-let s:gui0A = "ffcc66"
-let s:gui0B = "99cc99"
-let s:gui0C = "66cccc"
-let s:gui0D = "6699cc"
-let s:gui0E = "cc99cc"
-let s:gui0F = "d27b53"
+let s:gui00 = "2d2d2d"
+let g:base16_gui00 = "2d2d2d"
+let s:gui01 = "393939"
+let g:base16_gui01 = "393939"
+let s:gui02 = "515151"
+let g:base16_gui02 = "515151"
+let s:gui03 = "747369"
+let g:base16_gui03 = "747369"
+let s:gui04 = "a09f93"
+let g:base16_gui04 = "a09f93"
+let s:gui05 = "d3d0c8"
+let g:base16_gui05 = "d3d0c8"
+let s:gui06 = "e8e6df"
+let g:base16_gui06 = "e8e6df"
+let s:gui07 = "f2f0ec"
+let g:base16_gui07 = "f2f0ec"
+let s:gui08 = "f2777a"
+let g:base16_gui08 = "f2777a"
+let s:gui09 = "f99157"
+let g:base16_gui09 = "f99157"
+let s:gui0A = "ffcc66"
+let g:base16_gui0A = "ffcc66"
+let s:gui0B = "99cc99"
+let g:base16_gui0B = "99cc99"
+let s:gui0C = "66cccc"
+let g:base16_gui0C = "66cccc"
+let s:gui0D = "6699cc"
+let g:base16_gui0D = "6699cc"
+let s:gui0E = "cc99cc"
+let g:base16_gui0E = "cc99cc"
+let s:gui0F = "d27b53"
+let g:base16_gui0F = "d27b53"
" Terminal color definitions
-let s:cterm00 = "00"
-let s:cterm03 = "08"
-let s:cterm05 = "07"
-let s:cterm07 = "15"
-let s:cterm08 = "01"
-let s:cterm0A = "03"
-let s:cterm0B = "02"
-let s:cterm0C = "06"
-let s:cterm0D = "04"
-let s:cterm0E = "05"
-if exists('base16colorspace') && base16colorspace == "256"
- let s:cterm01 = "18"
- let s:cterm02 = "19"
- let s:cterm04 = "20"
- let s:cterm06 = "21"
- let s:cterm09 = "16"
- let s:cterm0F = "17"
+let s:cterm00 = "00"
+let g:base16_cterm00 = "00"
+let s:cterm03 = "08"
+let g:base16_cterm03 = "08"
+let s:cterm05 = "07"
+let g:base16_cterm05 = "07"
+let s:cterm07 = "15"
+let g:base16_cterm07 = "15"
+let s:cterm08 = "01"
+let g:base16_cterm08 = "01"
+let s:cterm0A = "03"
+let g:base16_cterm0A = "03"
+let s:cterm0B = "02"
+let g:base16_cterm0B = "02"
+let s:cterm0C = "06"
+let g:base16_cterm0C = "06"
+let s:cterm0D = "04"
+let g:base16_cterm0D = "04"
+let s:cterm0E = "05"
+let g:base16_cterm0E = "05"
+if exists("base16colorspace") && base16colorspace == "256"
+ let s:cterm01 = "18"
+ let g:base16_cterm01 = "18"
+ let s:cterm02 = "19"
+ let g:base16_cterm02 = "19"
+ let s:cterm04 = "20"
+ let g:base16_cterm04 = "20"
+ let s:cterm06 = "21"
+ let g:base16_cterm06 = "21"
+ let s:cterm09 = "16"
+ let g:base16_cterm09 = "16"
+ let s:cterm0F = "17"
+ let g:base16_cterm0F = "17"
- let s:cterm01 = "10"
- let s:cterm02 = "11"
- let s:cterm04 = "12"
- let s:cterm06 = "13"
- let s:cterm09 = "09"
- let s:cterm0F = "14"
+ let s:cterm01 = "10"
+ let g:base16_cterm01 = "10"
+ let s:cterm02 = "11"
+ let g:base16_cterm02 = "11"
+ let s:cterm04 = "12"
+ let g:base16_cterm04 = "12"
+ let s:cterm06 = "13"
+ let g:base16_cterm06 = "13"
+ let s:cterm09 = "09"
+ let g:base16_cterm09 = "09"
+ let s:cterm0F = "14"
+ let g:base16_cterm0F = "14"
" Neovim terminal colours
@@ -70,19 +108,38 @@ if has("nvim")
let g:terminal_color_6 = "#66cccc"
let g:terminal_color_7 = "#d3d0c8"
let g:terminal_color_8 = "#747369"
- let g:terminal_color_9 = "#f99157"
- let g:terminal_color_10 = "#393939"
- let g:terminal_color_11 = "#515151"
- let g:terminal_color_12 = "#a09f93"
- let g:terminal_color_13 = "#e8e6df"
- let g:terminal_color_14 = "#d27b53"
+ let g:terminal_color_9 = "#f2777a"
+ let g:terminal_color_10 = "#99cc99"
+ let g:terminal_color_11 = "#ffcc66"
+ let g:terminal_color_12 = "#6699cc"
+ let g:terminal_color_13 = "#cc99cc"
+ let g:terminal_color_14 = "#66cccc"
let g:terminal_color_15 = "#f2f0ec"
let g:terminal_color_background = g:terminal_color_0
- let g:terminal_color_foreground = g:terminal_color_7
+ let g:terminal_color_foreground = g:terminal_color_5
if &background == "light"
let g:terminal_color_background = g:terminal_color_7
let g:terminal_color_foreground = g:terminal_color_2
+elseif has("terminal")
+ let g:terminal_ansi_colors = [
+ \ "#2d2d2d",
+ \ "#f2777a",
+ \ "#99cc99",
+ \ "#ffcc66",
+ \ "#6699cc",
+ \ "#cc99cc",
+ \ "#66cccc",
+ \ "#d3d0c8",
+ \ "#747369",
+ \ "#f2777a",
+ \ "#99cc99",
+ \ "#ffcc66",
+ \ "#6699cc",
+ \ "#cc99cc",
+ \ "#66cccc",
+ \ "#f2f0ec",
+ \ ]
" Theme setup
@@ -91,7 +148,11 @@ syntax reset
let g:colors_name = "base16-eighties"
" Highlighting function
-fun hi(group, guifg, guibg, ctermfg, ctermbg, attr, guisp)
+" Optional variables are attributes and guisp
+function! g:Base16hi(group, guifg, guibg, ctermfg, ctermbg, ...)
+ let l:attr = get(a:, 1, "")
+ let l:guisp = get(a:, 2, "")
if a:guifg != ""
exec "hi " . a:group . " guifg=#" . a:guifg
@@ -104,15 +165,21 @@ fun hi(group, guifg, guibg, ctermfg, ctermbg, attr, guisp)
if a:ctermbg != ""
exec "hi " . a:group . " ctermbg=" . a:ctermbg
- if a:attr != ""
- exec "hi " . a:group . " gui=" . a:attr . " cterm=" . a:attr
+ if l:attr != ""
+ exec "hi " . a:group . " gui=" . l:attr . " cterm=" . l:attr
- if a:guisp != ""
- exec "hi " . a:group . " guisp=#" . a:guisp
+ if l:guisp != ""
+ exec "hi " . a:group . " guisp=#" . l:guisp
+fun hi(group, guifg, guibg, ctermfg, ctermbg, attr, guisp)
+ call g:Base16hi(a:group, a:guifg, a:guibg, a:ctermfg, a:ctermbg, a:attr, a:guisp)
" Vim editor colors
+call hi("Normal", s:gui05, s:gui00, s:cterm05, s:cterm00, "", "")
call hi("Bold", "", "", "", "", "bold", "")
call hi("Debug", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call hi("Directory", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
@@ -128,7 +195,8 @@ call hi("MatchParen", "", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "")
call hi("ModeMsg", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call hi("MoreMsg", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
call hi("Question", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
-call hi("Search", s:gui03, s:gui0A, s:cterm03, s:cterm0A, "", "")
+call hi("Search", s:gui01, s:gui0A, s:cterm01, s:cterm0A, "", "")
+call hi("Substitute", s:gui01, s:gui0A, s:cterm01, s:cterm0A, "none", "")
call hi("SpecialKey", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
call hi("TooLong", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
call hi("Underlined", s:gui08, "", s:cterm08, "", "", "")
@@ -140,7 +208,6 @@ call hi("Title", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "none", "")
call hi("Conceal", s:gui0D, s:gui00, s:cterm0D, s:cterm00, "", "")
call hi("Cursor", s:gui00, s:gui05, s:cterm00, s:cterm05, "", "")
call hi("NonText", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
-call hi("Normal", s:gui05, s:gui00, s:cterm05, s:cterm00, "", "")
call hi("LineNr", s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "", "")
call hi("SignColumn", s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "", "")
call hi("StatusLine", s:gui04, s:gui02, s:cterm04, s:cterm02, "none", "")
@@ -150,8 +217,9 @@ call hi("ColorColumn", "", s:gui01, "", s:cterm01, "none", "")
call hi("CursorColumn", "", s:gui01, "", s:cterm01, "none", "")
call hi("CursorLine", "", s:gui01, "", s:cterm01, "none", "")
call hi("CursorLineNr", s:gui04, s:gui01, s:cterm04, s:cterm01, "", "")
-call hi("PMenu", s:gui04, s:gui01, s:cterm04, s:cterm01, "none", "")
-call hi("PMenuSel", s:gui01, s:gui04, s:cterm01, s:cterm04, "", "")
+call hi("QuickFixLine", "", s:gui01, "", s:cterm01, "none", "")
+call hi("PMenu", s:gui05, s:gui01, s:cterm05, s:cterm01, "none", "")
+call hi("PMenuSel", s:gui01, s:gui05, s:cterm01, s:cterm05, "", "")
call hi("TabLine", s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "none", "")
call hi("TabLineFill", s:gui03, s:gui01, s:cterm03, s:cterm01, "none", "")
call hi("TabLineSel", s:gui0B, s:gui01, s:cterm0B, s:cterm01, "none", "")
@@ -288,10 +356,13 @@ call hi("NERDTreeExecFile", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call hi("phpMemberSelector", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call hi("phpComparison", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
call hi("phpParent", s:gui05, "", s:cterm05, "", "", "")
+call hi("phpMethodsVar", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
" Python highlighting
call hi("pythonOperator", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
call hi("pythonRepeat", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
+call hi("pythonInclude", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
+call hi("pythonStatement", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
" Ruby highlighting
call hi("rubyAttribute", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
@@ -314,10 +385,25 @@ call hi("SignifySignChange", s:gui0D, s:gui01, s:cterm0D, s:cterm01, "", "
call hi("SignifySignDelete", s:gui08, s:gui01, s:cterm08, s:cterm01, "", "")
" Spelling highlighting
-call hi("SpellBad", "", s:gui00, "", s:cterm00, "undercurl", s:gui08)
-call hi("SpellLocal", "", s:gui00, "", s:cterm00, "undercurl", s:gui0C)
-call hi("SpellCap", "", s:gui00, "", s:cterm00, "undercurl", s:gui0D)
-call hi("SpellRare", "", s:gui00, "", s:cterm00, "undercurl", s:gui0E)
+call hi("SpellBad", "", "", "", "", "undercurl", s:gui08)
+call hi("SpellLocal", "", "", "", "", "undercurl", s:gui0C)
+call hi("SpellCap", "", "", "", "", "undercurl", s:gui0D)
+call hi("SpellRare", "", "", "", "", "undercurl", s:gui0E)
+" Startify highlighting
+call hi("StartifyBracket", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
+call hi("StartifyFile", s:gui07, "", s:cterm07, "", "", "")
+call hi("StartifyFooter", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
+call hi("StartifyHeader", s:gui0B, "", s:cterm0B, "", "", "")
+call hi("StartifyNumber", s:gui09, "", s:cterm09, "", "", "")
+call hi("StartifyPath", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
+call hi("StartifySection", s:gui0E, "", s:cterm0E, "", "", "")
+call hi("StartifySelect", s:gui0C, "", s:cterm0C, "", "", "")
+call hi("StartifySlash", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
+call hi("StartifySpecial", s:gui03, "", s:cterm03, "", "", "")
+" Java highlighting
+call hi("javaOperator", s:gui0D, "", s:cterm0D, "", "", "")
" Remove functions
delf hi
diff --git a/.vim/compiler/pylint.vim b/.vim/compiler/pylint.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 424e3e8..0000000
--- a/.vim/compiler/pylint.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,322 +0,0 @@
-" Vim compiler file for Python
-" Compiler: Style checking tool for Python
-" Maintainer: Cong Ma
-" Last Change: 2014 April 15
-" Version: 0.8dev
-" Contributors:
-" Oleksandr Tymoshenko
-" Artur Wroblewski
-" Menno
-" Jose Blanca
-" Bogdan Frankovskyi
-" Oren Held
-" Cong Ma
-" Installation:
-" Drop pylint.vim in ~/.vim/compiler directory. Ensure that your PATH
-" environment variable includes the path to 'pylint' executable.
-" Add the following line to the autocmd section of .vimrc
-" autocmd FileType python compiler pylint
-" Usage:
-" Pylint is called after a buffer with Python code is saved. QuickFix
-" window is opened to show errors, warnings and hints provided by Pylint.
-" Code rate calculated by Pylint is displayed at the bottom of the
-" window.
-" Above is realized with :Pylint command. To disable calling Pylint every
-" time a buffer is saved put into .vimrc file
-" let g:pylint_onwrite = 0
-" Displaying code rate calculated by Pylint can be avoided by setting
-" let g:pylint_show_rate = 0
-" Openning of QuickFix window can be disabled with
-" let g:pylint_cwindow = 0
-" Setting signs for the lines with errors can be enabled with
-" let g:pylint_signs = 1
-" Of course, standard :make command can be used as in case of every
-" other compiler.
-" Setting highlights for the lines can be disabled with
-" let g:pylint_inline_highlight = 0
-" Coding style warning highlight can be disabled with
-" let g:pylint_conventions = 0
-" Warning highlight can be disabled with
-" let g:pylint_warning = 0
-if exists('current_compiler')
- finish
-let current_compiler = 'pylint'
-if !exists('g:pylint_onwrite')
- let g:pylint_onwrite = 1
-if !exists('g:pylint_onfly')
- let g:pylint_onfly = 0
-if !exists('g:pylint_show_rate')
- let g:pylint_show_rate = 1
-if !exists('g:pylint_cwindow')
- let g:pylint_cwindow = 1
-if !exists('g:pylint_signs')
- let g:pylint_signs = 0
-if !exists('g:pylint_inline_highlight')
- let g:pylint_inline_highlight = 1
-if !exists('g:pylint_warning')
- let g:pylint_warning = 1
-if !exists('g:pylint_conventions')
- let g:pylint_conventions = 1
-if exists(':Pylint') != 2
- command Pylint :call Pylint(0)
-if exists(":CompilerSet") != 2 " older Vim always used :setlocal
- command -nargs=* CompilerSet setlocal
-au CursorHold call s:GetPylintMessage()
-au CursorMoved call s:GetPylintMessage()
-" We should echo filename because pylint truncates .py
-" If someone know better way - let me know :)
-CompilerSet makeprg=(echo\ '[%]';pylint\ --msg-template=\"{msg_id}:{line},{column}:\ {msg}\"\ '%'\\\|grep\ -E\ -e\ \'^\([WECR][0-9]\\\|Your\ code\)\'\\\|sed\ -e\ \'s/^E/1\ E\ /\'\ -e\ \'s/^W/2\ W\ /\'\ -e\ \'s/^C/3\ C\ /\'\ -e\ \'s/^R/4\ R\ /\'\ \\\|sort)
-" We could omit end of file-entry, there is only one file
-" %+I... - include code rating information
-" %-G... - remove all remaining report lines from quickfix buffer
-CompilerSet efm=%-P[%f],%*\\d\ %t\ %n:%l\\,%c:%m,%Z,%+IYour\ code%m,%Z,%-G%.%#
-"signs definition
-sign define W text=WW texthl=pylint
-sign define C text=CC texthl=pylint
-sign define R text=RR texthl=pylint
-sign define E text=EE texthl=pylint_error
-if g:pylint_onwrite
- augroup python
- au!
- au BufWritePost * call Pylint(1)
- augroup end
-if g:pylint_onfly
- augroup python
- au!
- au BufRead * call Pylint(1)
- augroup end
-if !exists("*s:Pylint")
-function! Pylint(writing)
- if has('win32') || has('win16') || has('win95') || has('win64')
- setlocal sp=>%s
- else
- setlocal sp=>%s\ 2>&1
- endif
- " If check is executed by buffer write - do not jump to first error
- if !a:writing
- silent make
- else
- silent make!
- endif
- if g:pylint_cwindow
- cwindow
- endif
- call PylintEvaluation()
- if g:pylint_show_rate
- echon 'code rate: ' b:pylint_rate ', prev: ' b:pylint_prev_rate
- endif
- if g:pylint_signs
- call PlacePylintSigns()
- endif
- if g:pylint_inline_highlight
- call PylintHighlight()
- endif
- redraw!
-function! PylintEvaluation()
- let l:list = getqflist()
- let b:pylint_rate = '0.00'
- let b:pylint_prev_rate = '0.00'
- for l:item in l:list
- if l:item.type == 'I' && l:item.text =~ 'Your code has been rated'
- let l:re_rate = '\(-\?[0-9]\{1,2\}\.[0-9]\{2\}\)/'
- let b:pylint_rate = substitute(l:item.text, '.*rated at '.l:re_rate.'.*', '\1', 'g')
- " Only if there is information about previous run
- if l:item.text =~ 'previous run: '
- let b:pylint_prev_rate = substitute(l:item.text, '.*previous run: '.l:re_rate.'.*', '\1', 'g')
- endif
- endif
- endfor
-function! PlacePylintSigns()
- "in which buffer are we?
- "in theory let l:buffr=bufname(l:item.bufnr)
- "should work inside the next loop, but i haven't manage to do it
- let l:buffr = bufname('%')
- "the previous lines are suppose to work, but sometimes it doesn't
- if empty(l:buffr)
- let l:buffr=bufname(1)
- endif
- "first remove all sings
- exec('sign unplace *')
- "now we place one sign for every quickfix line
- let l:list = getqflist()
- let l:id = 1
- for l:item in l:list
- "the line signs
- let l:lnum=item.lnum
- let l:type=item.type
- "sign place 1 line=l:lnum name=pylint file=l:buffr
- if l:type != 'I'
- let l:exec = printf('sign place %d name=%s line=%d file=%s',
- \ l:id, l:type, l:lnum, l:buffr)
- let l:id = l:id + 1
- execute l:exec
- endif
- endfor
- call PylintHighlight()
-if !exists("*s:PylintHighlight")
- function! PylintHighlight()
- highlight link PyError SpellBad
- highlight link PyWarning SpellRare
- highlight link PyConventions SpellCap
- "clear all already highlighted
- if exists("b:cleared")
- if b:cleared == 0
- silent call s:ClearHighlight()
- let b:cleared = 1
- endif
- else
- let b:cleared = 1
- endif
- let b:matchedlines = {}
- " get all messages from qicklist
- let l:list = getqflist()
- for l:item in l:list
- " highlight lines with errors (only word characters) without end
- " of line
- let l:matchDict = {}
- let l:matchDict['linenum'] = l:item.lnum
- let l:matchDict['message'] = l:item.text
- if l:item.type == 'E'
- if !has_key(b:matchedlines, l:item.lnum)
- let b:matchedlines[l:item.lnum] = l:matchDict
- call matchadd("PyError", '\w\%' . l:item.lnum . 'l\n\@!')
- endif
- elseif item.type == 'W' && g:pylint_warning
- if !has_key(b:matchedlines, l:item.lnum)
- let b:matchedlines[l:item.lnum] = l:matchDict
- call matchadd("PyWarning", '\w\%' . l:item.lnum . 'l\n\@!')
- endif
- elseif item.type == 'C' && g:pylint_conventions
- if !has_key(b:matchedlines, l:item.lnum)
- let b:matchedlines[item.lnum] = l:matchDict
- call matchadd("PyConventions", '\w\%' . l:item.lnum . 'l\n\@!')
- endif
- endif
- endfor
- let b:cleared = 0
- endfunction
-" keep track of whether or not we are showing a message
-let b:showing_message = 0
-" WideMsg() prints [long] message up to (&columns-1) length
-" guaranteed without "Press Enter" prompt.
-if !exists("*s:WideMsg")
- function s:WideMsg(msg)
- let x=&ruler | let y=&showcmd
- set noruler noshowcmd
- redraw
- echo a:msg
- let &ruler=x | let &showcmd=y
- endfun
-if !exists('*s:GetPylintMessage')
-function s:GetPylintMessage()
- let l:cursorPos = getpos(".")
- " Bail if Pylint hasn't been called yet.
- if !exists('b:matchedlines')
- return
- endif
- " if there's a message for the line the cursor is currently on, echo
- " it to the console
- if has_key(b:matchedlines, l:cursorPos[1])
- let l:pylintMatch = get(b:matchedlines, l:cursorPos[1])
- call s:WideMsg(l:pylintMatch['message'])
- let b:showing_message = 1
- return
- endif
- " otherwise, if we're showing a message, clear it
- if b:showing_message == 1
- echo
- let b:showing_message = 0
- endif
-if !exists('*s:ClearHighlight')
- function s:ClearHighlight()
- let l:matches = getmatches()
- for l:matchId in l:matches
- if l:matchId['group'] == 'PyError' || l:matchId['group'] == 'PyWarning' || l:matchId['group'] == 'PyConventions'
- call matchdelete(l:matchId['id'])
- endif
- endfor
- let b:matchedlines = {}
- let b:cleared = 1
- endfunction
diff --git a/.vim/config/settings.vim b/.vim/config/settings.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 070a125..0000000
--- a/.vim/config/settings.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-set nocompatible
-set lazyredraw
-set number
-set relativenumber
-set autoindent
-syntax on
-set hlsearch
-set incsearch
-set textwidth=79
-set colorcolumn=+2
-nnoremap :set hlsearch!
-let g:vimtex_view_method = 'zathura'
-let g:table_mode_corner='|'
-let g:grammalecte_cli_py='/usr/bin/grammalecte-cli.py'
-if filereadable(expand("~/.vimrc_background"))
- if &t_Co >= 256
- let base16colorspace=256
- source ~/.vimrc_background
- hi Normal guibg=NONE ctermbg=NONE
- elseif has("gui_running")
- source ~/.vimrc_background
- "set guifont=xos4\ Terminus
- set guifont=IBM\ Plex\ Mono\ 10
- else
- colorscheme default
- endif
-"nnoremap j jzz
-"nnoremap k kzz
-"nnoremap jzz
-"nnoremap kzz
-"set scrolloff=999
-let g:livepreview_previewer = 'zathura'
-let g:livepreview_engine = 'pdflatex' . ' -interaction=nonstopmode --shell-escape'
-cmap w!! w !sudo tee > /dev/null %
-"set tabstop=8 softtabstop=8 shiftwidth=8 noexpandtab
diff --git a/.vim/pathogen b/.vim/pathogen
deleted file mode 160000
index 06da921..0000000
--- a/.vim/pathogen
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-Subproject commit 06da921608b971fb47603671bcafdb2843992eb3
diff --git a/.vim/vimrc b/.vim/vimrc
index 57438bc..bfe59c1 100644
--- a/.vim/vimrc
+++ b/.vim/vimrc
@@ -1,5 +1,34 @@
-set shell=/bin/bash
-execute pathogen#infect()
-call pathogen#helptags()
-runtime! archlinux.vim
-runtime! config/**/*.vim
+set nocompatible
+set lazyredraw
+set number
+set relativenumber
+set autoindent
+syntax on
+set hlsearch
+set incsearch
+set textwidth=79
+set colorcolumn=+2
+nnoremap :set hlsearch!
+let g:vimtex_view_method = 'zathura'
+let g:table_mode_corner='|'
+let g:grammalecte_cli_py='/usr/bin/grammalecte-cli.py'
+if filereadable(expand("~/.vimrc_background"))
+ if &t_Co >= 256
+ let base16colorspace=256
+ source ~/.vimrc_background
+ hi Normal guibg=NONE ctermbg=NONE
+ elseif has("gui_running")
+ source ~/.vimrc_background
+ "set guifont=xos4\ Terminus
+ set guifont=IBM\ Plex\ Mono\ 10
+ else
+ colorscheme default
+ endif
+"nnoremap j jzz
+"nnoremap k kzz
+"nnoremap jzz
+"nnoremap kzz
+set scrolloff=999
+cmap w!! w !sudo tee > /dev/null %
+set tabstop=8 softtabstop=8 shiftwidth=8 noexpandtab