diff --git a/.Xresources b/.Xresources
index 3a2b666..89bd791 100644
--- a/.Xresources
+++ b/.Xresources
@@ -44,8 +44,8 @@ Xft.antialias: true
Xft.hinting: true
Xft.rgba: rgb
Xft.autohint: false
-Xft.hintstyle: hintmedium
-Xft.lcdfilter: lcdlegacy
+Xft.hintstyle: hintslight
+Xft.lcdfilter: lcddefault
Xft.dpi: 96
Xcursor.theme: Adwaita
Xcursor.size: 0
@@ -57,9 +57,8 @@ Xautolock.locker: i3lock-wrapper -e
XTerm*reverseVideo: on
XTerm*selectToClipboard: true
-!URxvt.font: xft:IBM Plex Mono:pixelsize=14,xft:DejaVu Sans Mono:pixelsize=14,xft:Noto Sans Mono:pixelsize=14
-!URxvt.font: xft:xos4 Terminus:pixelsize=14,xft:DejaVu Sans Mono:antialias=false:pixelsize=14,xft:Noto Sans Mono:pixelsize=14:antialias=false
-URxvt.font: xft:xos4 Terminus:size=12,xft:DejaVu Sans Mono:antialias=false:size=12,xft:Noto Sans Mono:size=12:antialias=false
+URxvt.font: xft:xos4 Terminus:pixelsize=16,xft:DejaVu Sans Mono:antialias=false:pixelsize=16,xft:Noto Sans Mono:pixelsize=16:antialias=false
+!URxvt.font: xft:IBM Plex Mono:pixelsize=14,xft:DejaVu Sans Mono:antialias=false:pixelsize=14,xft:Noto Sans Mono:pixelsize=14:antialias=true
!URxvt.letterSpace: 0
!URxvt.depth: 32
!URxvt.background: [100]#000000
@@ -71,7 +70,7 @@ URxvt.iconFile: /usr/share/icons/gnome/16x16/apps/terminal.png
URxvt*scrollBar: true
URxvt*mouseWheelScrollPage: false
URxvt*cursorBlink: true
-!URxvt*background: black
+!URxvt*background: #2D2D2D
!URxvt*foreground: #AAAAAA
URxvt*saveLines: 0
@@ -87,7 +86,7 @@ URxvt*shading: 25
! URxvt.keysym.M-v: perl:clipboard:paste
! URxvt.keysym.M-C-v: perl:clipboard:paste_escaped
! URxvt*termName: string
-! URxvt*geometry: geometry
+URxvt*geometry: 400x100
! URxvt*chdir: string
! URxvt*reverseVideo: boolean
! URxvt*loginShell: boolean
@@ -215,7 +214,8 @@ URxvt.keysym.C-Up: resize-font:bigger
URxvt.keysym.C-equal: resize-font:reset
URxvt.keysym.C-question: resize-font:show
URxvt.keysym.M-s: searchable-scrollback:start
-URxvt.resize-font.step: 1
+URxvt.resize-font.step: 2
+URxvt.refreshRate: 240
! Base16 Eighties
! Scheme: Chris Kempson (http://chriskempson.com)
diff --git a/.config/cava/config b/.config/cava/config
index db15bfc..b27352c 100644
--- a/.config/cava/config
+++ b/.config/cava/config
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
; mode = normal
# Accepts only non-negative values.
-; framerate = 60
+; framerate = 240
# 'autosens' will attempt to decrease sensitivity if the bars peak. 1 = on, 0 = off
# new as of 0.6.0 autosens of low values (dynamic range)
diff --git a/.config/conky/conkyrc1 b/.config/conky/conkyrc1
index b1c98a1..5833536 100644
--- a/.config/conky/conkyrc1
+++ b/.config/conky/conkyrc1
@@ -3,14 +3,14 @@ conky.config = {
background = true,
xinerama_head = 1,
double_buffer = true,
- font = 'xos4 Terminus:size=8',
+ font = 'xos4 Terminus:pixelsize=12',
draw_graph_borders = true,
draw_outline = false,
minimum_width = 260,
maximum_width = 260,
minimum_height = 1080,
- gap_x = 5,
- gap_y = 5,
+ gap_x = 4,
+ gap_y = 4,
no_buffers = true,
own_window = true,
own_window_class = Conky,
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ conky.config = {
text_buffer_size = 1024,
color2 = '#F2F0EC',
- font2 = 'xos4 Terminus:size=12',
+ font2 = 'xos4 Terminus:pixelsize=14',
--template0 = [[${cpubar cpu\1 6,60}${offset 5}]],
template0 = [[${cpubar cpu\1 6,125}${goto 140}${cpubar cpu\2}]],
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ conky.config = {
conky.text = [[
-${color 6699CC}$alignc${font xos4 Terminus:size=14}Arch Linux$font$color
+${color 6699CC}$alignc${font xos4 Terminus:pixelsize=18}Arch Linux$font$color
${color2}${font2}Processeur $hr${font}${color}
diff --git a/.config/conky/conkyrc2 b/.config/conky/conkyrc2
index 5e56670..3cdeee0 100644
--- a/.config/conky/conkyrc2
+++ b/.config/conky/conkyrc2
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
conky.config = {
- alignment = 'top_right',
+ alignment = 'top_left',
background = true,
cpu_avg_samples = 4,
xinerama_head = 1,
double_buffer = true,
- font = 'xos4 Terminus:size=8',
+ font = 'xos4 Terminus:pixelsize=12',
draw_graph_borders = true,
draw_outline = false,
minimum_width = 260,
maximum_width = 260,
minimum_height = 1080,
- gap_x = 5,
- gap_y = 5,
+ gap_x = 274,
+ gap_y = 4,
no_buffers = true,
own_window = true,
own_window_class = Conky,
@@ -26,19 +26,20 @@ conky.config = {
if_up_strictness = 'link',
use_spacer = right,
text_buffer_size = 2048,
+ mpd_host = "/home/breizh/.mpd/socket",
color2 = 'F2F0EC',
- font2 = 'xos4 Terminus:size=12',
+ font2 = 'xos4 Terminus:pixelsize=14',
template0 = [[${top_mem pid \1} ${top_mem name \1}${alignr}${top_mem mem_res \1} ${top_mem mem \1}%]]
conky.text = [[
-${color 6699CC}$alignc${font xos4 Terminus:size=14}${time %A %d %B %Y}$font$color
+${color 6699CC}$alignc${font xos4 Terminus:pixelsize=18}${time %A %d %B %Y}$font$color
${color2}${font2}Mémoire $hr$font$color
-${goto 140}${color 747369}${memwithbuffersbar}${color}${voffset -12}
+${goto 140}${color 747369}${memwithbuffersbar}${color}${voffset -11}
RAM : $memperc%${goto 140}${if_match $memperc>85}${color F2777A}$else${if_match $memperc>70}${color FFCC66}$else${color 99CC99}$endif$endif${membar}$color
Util.: ${mem}${goto 140}Dispo.: ${memeasyfree}
Cache: ${cached}${goto 140}Libre : ${memfree}
@@ -64,7 +65,7 @@ ${downspeedgraph enp34s0 25,125}${alignr}${upspeedgraph enp34s0 25,125}
Téléchargé ${totaldown enp34s0}${goto 140}Téléversé ${totalup enp34s0}
$alignc${addrs enp34s0}
-$alignc${scroll left 39 2 1 ${v6addrs enp34s0 -n -s}}${if_up tun0}
+$alignc${scroll wait 48 1 5 ${v6addrs enp34s0 -n -s}}${if_up tun0}
#$alignc${curl ifconfig.co/ip}$alignc${curl ip.yunohost.org}${if_up tun0}
${color2}${font2}VPN $hr$font$color
${voffset 2}Téléchargement ${downspeed tun0}${goto 140}Téléversement ${upspeed tun0}
@@ -89,11 +90,21 @@ Ventilo${goto 140}${if_match ${hwmon amdgpu fan 1}>2000}${color F2777A}$endif${h
${color2}${font2}Système $hr$font$color${voffset 2}
Kernel${goto 140}$kernel
Uptime${goto 140}$uptime
-Redshift${goto 140}${exec redshift -p | grep -Po "[0-9]+K"}
+Redshift${goto 140}${execpi 5 redshift -p | grep -Po "[0-9]+K"}
${color2}${font2}Sylvexplorer $hr$font$color${voffset 2}
${texeci 3600 /home/breizh/.config/conky/sylv.sh}
+${color2}${font2}MPD $hr$font$color${voffset 2}
+$alignc${scroll wait 48 1 5 ${mpd_smart}}
+$alignc${if_match "$mpd_album"!=""}${scroll wait 48 1 5 ${mpd_album}}$endif
+$alignr$mpd_elapsed / $mpd_length ${goto 140}${if_match "${mpd_status}"=="Playing"}${color 99CC99}$endif${if_match "${mpd_status}"=="Paused"}${color FFCC66}$endif${if_match "${mpd_status}"=="Stopped"}${color F2777A}$endif$mpd_bar$color
+Piste: $mpd_track${goto 140}Date : $mpd_date
+Nom : ${scroll wait 17 1 5 $mpd_name}${goto 140}Bitr.: $mpd_bitrate kbps
+Rép. : $mpd_repeat${goto 140}Aléa.: $mpd_random
+Comm.: ${scroll wait 41 1 5 ${mpd_comment}}
${color2}${font2}Notes $hr$font$color${voffset 2}
${catp /home/breizh/notes}
diff --git a/.config/dunst/dunstrc b/.config/dunst/dunstrc
index 06de3be..dd4dd0a 100644
--- a/.config/dunst/dunstrc
+++ b/.config/dunst/dunstrc
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
### Display ###
# Which monitor should the notifications be displayed on.
- # monitor = 1
+ monitor = 1
# Display notification on focused monitor. Possible modes are:
# mouse: follow mouse pointer
@@ -17,23 +17,23 @@
# If this option is set to mouse or keyboard, the monitor option
# will be ignored.
- follow = keyboard
+ follow = none
### Geometry ###
# dynamic width from 0 to 300
# width = (0, 300)
# constant width of 300
- width = (0, 1122)
+ width = (0, 1128)
# The maximum height of a single notification, excluding the frame.
height = 200
# Position the notification in the top right corner
- origin = top-right
+ origin = top-left
# Offset from the origin
- offset = 30x20
+ offset = 580x20
# Scale factor. It is auto-detected if value is 0.
scale = 0
diff --git a/.config/fish/config.fish b/.config/fish/config.fish
index 82b6eb3..83f0aa5 100644
--- a/.config/fish/config.fish
+++ b/.config/fish/config.fish
@@ -44,6 +44,6 @@ function config
function rm
- /usr/bin/rm -I --preserve-root $argv
+ /usr/bin/rm -Iv --preserve-root $argv
diff --git a/.config/fontconfig/fonts.conf b/.config/fontconfig/fonts.conf
index 58ecb95..1c10473 100644
--- a/.config/fontconfig/fonts.conf
+++ b/.config/fontconfig/fonts.conf
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
- hintmedium
+ hintslight
@@ -18,10 +18,10 @@
- lcdlegacy
+ lcddefault
- 96
+ 108
diff --git a/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini b/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini
index a2e8dab..6582103 100644
--- a/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini
+++ b/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
-gtk-font-name=IBM Plex Sans 10
+gtk-font-name=IBM Plex Sans 14px
#gtk-font-name=xos4 Terminus 10
diff --git a/.config/htop/htoprc b/.config/htop/htoprc
index 4d99833..3ed9220 100644
--- a/.config/htop/htoprc
+++ b/.config/htop/htoprc
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ column_meters_0=LeftCPUs2 Blank CPU Memory Swap Blank Hostname System DateTime B
column_meter_modes_0=1 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
column_meters_1=RightCPUs2 Blank CPU Memory Swap Blank Uptime LoadAverage Tasks Blank DiskIO NetworkIO Blank PressureStallMemoryFull PressureStallIOFull
column_meter_modes_1=1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ all_branches_collapsed=0
diff --git a/.config/i3/config b/.config/i3/config
index ffc3e14..34053e7 100644
--- a/.config/i3/config
+++ b/.config/i3/config
@@ -41,17 +41,18 @@ new_window normal 1
new_float normal 1
# Hide borders
-# hide_edge_borders smart
+hide_edge_borders vertical
# change borders
bindsym $mod+u border none
bindsym $mod+y border pixel 1
bindsym $mod+n border normal 1
+bindsym $mod+Shift+n border normal 1
# Font for window titles. Will also be used by the bar unless a different font
# is used in the bar {} block below.
-font xft:IBM Plex Sans, DejaVu Sans 10
-#font xft:Terminus, DejaVu Sans Mono 12
+font xft:IBM Plex Sans, DejaVu Sans 14px
+#font xft:Terminus, DejaVu Sans Mono 16px
# Use Mouse+$mod to drag floating windows
floating_modifier $mod
@@ -270,14 +271,14 @@ bindsym $mod+Shift+8 move container to workspace $ws8; workspace $ws8
force_display_urgency_hint 2000 ms
-workspace $ws1 output DisplayPort-2
-workspace $ws2 output DisplayPort-2
-workspace $ws3 output DisplayPort-2
-workspace $ws4 output DisplayPort-2
-workspace $ws5 output DisplayPort-2
-workspace $ws6 output DisplayPort-2
-workspace $ws7 output DisplayPort-2
-workspace $ws8 output HDMI-A-1
+workspace $ws1 output DisplayPort-0
+workspace $ws2 output DisplayPort-0
+workspace $ws3 output DisplayPort-0
+workspace $ws4 output DisplayPort-0
+workspace $ws5 output DisplayPort-0
+workspace $ws6 output DisplayPort-0
+workspace $ws7 output DisplayPort-1
+workspace $ws8 output DisplayPort-1
# Open applications on specific workspaces
#assign [class="Claws-mail"] $ws5
@@ -374,22 +375,23 @@ exec --no-startup-id steam-native -silent -noverifyfiles -language french
#exec --no-startup-id hp-systray -x
exec --no-startup-id sleep 5 && play "$HOME/Musique/WELCOME BACK.wav"
exec --no-startup-id variety
+exec --no-startup-id sleep 5m && qbittorrent
# Start i3bar to display a workspace bar (plus the system information i3status if available)
bar {
# position top
- #status_command i3blocks
- status_command 2>/tmp/i3blocks.err i3blocks
+ status_command i3blocks
+ #status_command 2>/tmp/i3blocks.err i3blocks
## please set your primary output first. Example: 'xrandr --output eDP1 --primary'
tray_output primary
-# output eDP1
+# output DisplayPort-0
bindsym button4 nop
bindsym button5 nop
# font -xos4-terminus-medium-r-normal--14-140-72-72-c-80-iso10646-1
- # font xft:IBM Plex Mono, DejaVu Sans Mono 13px
- font xft:Terminus, DejaVu Sans Mono 12
+ #font xft:IBM Plex Mono, DejaVu Sans Mono 14px
+ font xft:Terminus, DejaVu Sans Mono 16px
strip_workspace_numbers yes
colors {
@@ -413,5 +415,3 @@ bindsym $mod+semicolon bar mode toggle
#gaps inner 10
#gaps outer 0
#smart_gaps on
-#smart_borders no_gaps
diff --git a/.config/mpv/script-opts/torque-progressbar/main.conf b/.config/mpv/script-opts/torque-progressbar/main.conf
index dbf77cb..ab47361 100644
--- a/.config/mpv/script-opts/torque-progressbar/main.conf
+++ b/.config/mpv/script-opts/torque-progressbar/main.conf
@@ -7,11 +7,6 @@ hover-zone-height=40
# file name and system time when the mouse is hovered over it.
-# Acts as a multiplier to increase the size of every UI element. Useful for high-
-# DPI displays that cause the UI to be rendered too small (happens at least on
-# macOS).
# Default style that is applied to all UI elements. A string of ASS override tags.
# Individual elements have their own style settings which override the tags here.
# Changing the font will likely require changing the hover-time margin settings
@@ -114,7 +109,7 @@ bar-foreground-style=
# A string of ASS override tags that get applied only to the cache layer of the
# bar, particularly the part of the cache bar that is behind the current playback
# position. The default sets only the color.
-# bar-cache-style=\c&H697374&
+# bar-cache-style=\c&H515151&
# A string of ASS override tags that get applied only to the cache layer of the
@@ -181,6 +176,22 @@ hover-time-right-margin=130
# positioned.
+# Sets whether or not thumbnails are displayed at all. Note: thumbnail display
+# requires use of the thumbfast script (See: https://github.com/po5/thumbfast).
+# Controls how close to the left edge of the window the thumbnail display can
+# get.
+# Controls how close to the right edge of the window the thumbnail display can
+# get.
+# Controls how far above the expanded progress bar the thumbnail display is
+# positioned.
# Sets whether or not the video title is displayed at all.
diff --git a/.config/mpv/scripts/catchup.lua b/.config/mpv/scripts/catchup.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 91455f2..0000000
--- a/.config/mpv/scripts/catchup.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-local mp = require 'mp'
-local mp_options = require 'mp.options'
-local enabled = false
-local catching_up = false
-local target = 1
-local brick = 0
-function on_pause_change(name, value)
- if not enabled then return end
- if value == true then
- mp.osd_message("resetting catchup info on pausing", 1)
- local catching_up = false
- mp.set_property('speed', 1)
- end
-function do_process_timer()
- if not enabled then return end
- local pause = mp.get_property('pause')
- local rem = tonumber(mp.get_property('time-remaining') or 0)
- if pause == 'no' then
- local cspeed = tonumber(mp.get_property('speed') or 1)
- if rem > target + 0.8 + brick and not catching_up then
- mp.osd_message("catchup", 1)
- catching_up = true
- mp.set_property('speed', 1.5)
- elseif (rem < target - 0.1 + brick and catching_up) or rem < target - 0.4 + brick and cspeed > 1 then
- mp.osd_message("done catching up", 1)
- catching_up = false
- mp.set_property('speed', 1)
- end
- if catching_up and cspeed == 1 then
- catching_up = false
- end
- end
-function on_keybind()
- if enabled then
- mp.osd_message("disabling catchup features", 3)
- enabled = false
- if catching_up then
- catching_up = false
- mp.set_property('speed', 1)
- end
- else
- mp.osd_message("enabling catchup features", 3)
- enabled = true
- end
-function increase_target()
- target = target + 0.1
- mp.osd_message("target: " .. target, 1)
-function decrease_target()
- target = target - 0.1
- mp.osd_message("target: " .. target, 1)
-function increase_brick()
- brick = brick + 0.1
- mp.osd_message("brick: " .. brick, 1)
-function decrease_brick()
- brick = brick - 0.1
- mp.osd_message("brick: " .. brick, 1)
-mp.observe_property("pause", "bool", on_pause_change)
-mp.add_periodic_timer(0.07, do_process_timer)
-mp.add_key_binding("Shift+c", "catchup-toggle", on_keybind)
-mp.add_key_binding("Ctrl+Down", "catchup-decrease-target", decrease_target)
-mp.add_key_binding("Ctrl+Up", "catchup-increase-target", increase_target)
-mp.add_key_binding("Ctrl+Left", "catchup-decrease-brick", decrease_brick)
-mp.add_key_binding("Ctrl+Right", "catchup-increase-brick", increase_brick)
-local options = {
- enable = false
-mp_options.read_options(options, "catchup")
-enabled = not options.enable
diff --git a/.config/mpv/scripts/progress.lua b/.config/mpv/scripts/progress.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index d68e9a9..0000000
--- a/.config/mpv/scripts/progress.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2547 +0,0 @@
-local msg = require('mp.msg')
-local log = {
- debug = function(format, ...)
- return msg.debug(format:format(...))
- end,
- info = function(format, ...)
- return msg.info(format:format(...))
- end,
- warn = function(format, ...)
- return msg.warn(format:format(...))
- end,
- dump = function(item, ignore)
- if "table" ~= type(item) then
- msg.info(tostring(item))
- return
- end
- local count = 1
- local tablecount = 1
- local result = {
- "{ @" .. tostring(tablecount)
- }
- local seen = {
- [item] = tablecount
- }
- local recurse
- recurse = function(item, space)
- for key, value in pairs(item) do
- if not (key == ignore) then
- if "table" == type(value) then
- if not (seen[value]) then
- tablecount = tablecount + 1
- seen[value] = tablecount
- count = count + 1
- result[count] = space .. tostring(key) .. ": { @" .. tostring(tablecount)
- recurse(value, space .. " ")
- count = count + 1
- result[count] = space .. "}"
- else
- count = count + 1
- result[count] = space .. tostring(key) .. ": @" .. tostring(seen[value])
- end
- else
- if "string" == type(value) then
- value = ("%q"):format(value)
- end
- count = count + 1
- result[count] = space .. tostring(key) .. ": " .. tostring(value)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- recurse(item, " ")
- count = count + 1
- result[count] = "}"
- return msg.info(table.concat(result, "\n"))
- end
-local options = require('mp.options')
-local utils = require('mp.utils')
-local script_name = 'torque-progressbar'
-mp.get_osd_size = mp.get_osd_size or mp.get_screen_size
-local settings = {
- _defaults = { }
-local settingsMeta = {
- _reload = function(self)
- for key, value in pairs(self._defaults) do
- settings[key] = value
- end
- options.read_options(self, script_name .. '/main')
- if self['bar-height-inactive'] <= 0 then
- self['bar-hide-inactive'] = true
- self['bar-height-inactive'] = 1
- end
- end,
- _migrate = function(self)
- local pathSep = package.config:sub(1, 1)
- local onWindows = pathSep == '\\'
- local mv
- mv = function(oldFile, newFile)
- local cmd = {
- args = {
- 'mv',
- oldConfig,
- newConfig
- }
- }
- if onWindows then
- local oldfile = oldFile:gsub('/', pathSep)
- newFile = newFile:gsub('/', pathSep)
- cmd = {
- args = {
- 'cmd',
- '/Q',
- '/C',
- 'move',
- '/Y',
- oldfile,
- newFile
- }
- }
- end
- return utils.subprocess(cmd)
- end
- local mkdir
- mkdir = function(directory)
- local cmd = {
- args = {
- 'mkdir',
- '-p',
- directory
- }
- }
- if onWindows then
- directory = directory:gsub('/', pathSep)
- cmd = {
- args = {
- 'cmd',
- '/Q',
- '/C',
- 'mkdir',
- directory
- }
- }
- end
- return utils.subprocess(cmd)
- end
- local settingsDirectories = {
- 'script-opts',
- 'lua-settings'
- }
- local oldConfigFiles
- do
- local _accum_0 = { }
- local _len_0 = 1
- for _index_0 = 1, #settingsDirectories do
- local dir = settingsDirectories[_index_0]
- _accum_0[_len_0] = ('%s/%s.conf'):format(dir, script_name)
- _len_0 = _len_0 + 1
- end
- oldConfigFiles = _accum_0
- end
- local newConfigFiles
- do
- local _accum_0 = { }
- local _len_0 = 1
- for _index_0 = 1, #settingsDirectories do
- local dir = settingsDirectories[_index_0]
- _accum_0[_len_0] = ('%s/%s/main.conf'):format(dir, script_name)
- _len_0 = _len_0 + 1
- end
- newConfigFiles = _accum_0
- end
- local oldConfig = nil
- local oldConfigIndex = 1
- local newConfigFile = nil
- local newConfig = nil
- for idx, file in ipairs(oldConfigFiles) do
- log.debug(('checking for old config "%s"'):format(file))
- oldConfig = mp.find_config_file(file)
- if oldConfig then
- log.debug(('found "%s"'):format(oldConfig))
- oldConfigIndex = idx
- break
- end
- end
- if not (oldConfig) then
- log.debug('No old config file found. Migration finished.')
- return
- end
- for _index_0 = 1, #newConfigFiles do
- local file = newConfigFiles[_index_0]
- log.debug(('checking for new config "%s"'):format(file))
- newConfig = mp.find_config_file(file)
- if newConfig then
- log.debug(('found "%s"'):format(newConfig))
- newConfigFile = file
- break
- end
- end
- if oldConfig and not newConfig then
- log.debug(('Found "%s". Processing migration.'):format(oldConfig))
- newConfigFile = newConfigFiles[oldConfigIndex]
- local baseConfigFolder, _ = utils.split_path(oldConfig)
- local configDir = utils.join_path(baseConfigFolder, script_name)
- newConfig = utils.join_path(configDir, 'main.conf')
- log.info(('Old configuration detected. Attempting to migrate "%s" -> "%s"'):format(oldConfig, newConfig))
- local dirExists = mp.find_config_file(configDir)
- if dirExists and not utils.readdir(configDir) then
- log.warn(('Configuration migration failed. "%s" exists and does not appear to be a folder'):format(configDir))
- return
- else
- if not dirExists then
- log.debug(('Attempting to create directory "%s"'):format(configDir))
- local res = mkdir(configDir)
- if res.error or res.status ~= 0 then
- log.warn(('Making directory "%s" failed.'):format(configDir))
- return
- end
- log.debug('successfully created directory.')
- else
- log.debug(('Directory "%s" already exists. Continuing.'):format(configDir))
- end
- end
- log.debug(('Attempting to move "%s" -> "%s"'):format(oldConfig, newConfig))
- local res = mv(oldConfig, newConfig)
- if res.error or res.status ~= 0 then
- log.warn(('Moving file "%s" -> "%s" failed.'):format(oldConfig, newConfig))
- return
- end
- if mp.find_config_file(newConfigFile) then
- return log.info('Configuration successfully migrated.')
- else
- return log.warn(('Cannot find "%s". Migration mysteriously failed?'):format(newConfigFile))
- end
- end
- end,
- __newindex = function(self, key, value)
- self._defaults[key] = value
- return rawset(self, key, value)
- end
-settingsMeta.__index = settingsMeta
-setmetatable(settings, settingsMeta)
-local helpText = { }
-settings['hover-zone-height'] = 40
-helpText['hover-zone-height'] = [[Sets the height of the rectangular area at the bottom of the screen that expands
-the progress bar and shows playback time information when the mouse is hovered
-over it.
-settings['top-hover-zone-height'] = 40
-helpText['top-hover-zone-height'] = [[Sets the height of the rectangular area at the top of the screen that shows the
-file name and system time when the mouse is hovered over it.
-settings['display-scale-factor'] = 1
-helpText['display-scale-factor'] = [[Acts as a multiplier to increase the size of every UI element. Useful for high-
-DPI displays that cause the UI to be rendered too small (happens at least on
-settings['default-style'] = [[\fnSource Sans Pro\b1\bord2\shad0\fs30\c&HFC799E&\3c&H2D2D2D&]]
-helpText['default-style'] = [[Default style that is applied to all UI elements. A string of ASS override tags.
-Individual elements have their own style settings which override the tags here.
-Changing the font will likely require changing the hover-time margin settings
-and the offscreen-pos settings.
-Here are some useful ASS override tags (omit square brackets):
-\fn[Font Name]: sets the font to the named font.
-\fs[number]: sets the font size to the given number.
-\b[1/0]: sets the text bold or not (\b1 is bold, \b0 is regular weight).
-\i[1/0]: sets the text italic or not (same semantics as bold).
-\bord[number]: sets the outline width to the given number (in pixels).
-\shad[number]: sets the shadow size to the given number (pixels).
-\c&H[BBGGRR]&: sets the fill color for the text to the given color (hex pairs in
- the order, blue, green, red).
-\3c&H[BBGGRR]&: sets the outline color of the text to the given color.
-\4c&H[BBGGRR]&: sets the shadow color of the text to the given color.
-\alpha&H[AA]&: sets the line's transparency as a hex pair. 00 is fully opaque
- and FF is fully transparent. Some UI elements are composed of
- multiple layered lines, so adding transparency may not look good.
- For further granularity, \1a&H[AA]& controls the fill opacity,
- \3a&H[AA]& controls the outline opacity, and \4a&H[AA]& controls
- the shadow opacity.
-settings['enable-bar'] = true
-helpText['enable-bar'] = [[Controls whether or not the progress bar is drawn at all. If this is disabled,
-it also (naturally) disables the click-to-seek functionality.
-settings['bar-hide-inactive'] = false
-helpText['bar-hide-inactive'] = [[Causes the bar to not be drawn unless the mouse is hovering over it or a
-request-display call is active. This is somewhat redundant with setting bar-
-height-inactive=0, except that it can allow for very rudimentary context-
-sensitive behavior because it can be toggled at runtime. For example, by using
-the binding `f cycle pause; script-binding progressbar/toggle-inactive-bar`, it
-is possible to have the bar be persistently present only in windowed or
-fullscreen contexts, depending on the default setting.
-settings['bar-height-inactive'] = 3
-helpText['bar-height-inactive'] = [[Sets the height of the bar display when the mouse is not in the active zone and
-there is no request-display active. A value of 0 or less will cause bar-hide-
-inactive to be set to true and the bar height to be set to 1. This should result
-in the desired behavior while avoiding annoying debug logging in mpv (libass
-does not like zero-height objects).
-settings['bar-height-active'] = 8
-helpText['bar-height-active'] = [[Sets the height of the bar display when the mouse is in the active zone or
-request-display is active. There is no logic attached to this, so 0 or negative
-values may have unexpected results.
-settings['progress-bar-width'] = 0
-helpText['progress-bar-width'] = [[If greater than zero, changes the progress bar style to be a small segment
-rather than a continuous bar and sets its width.
-settings['seek-precision'] = 'exact'
-helpText['seek-precision'] = [[Affects precision of seeks due to clicks on the progress bar. Should be 'exact' or
-'keyframes'. Exact is slightly slower, but won't jump around between two
-different times when clicking in the same place.
-Actually, this gets passed directly into the `seek` command, so the value can be
-any of the arguments supported by mpv, though the ones above are the only ones
-that really make sense.
-settings['bar-background-adaptive'] = true
-helpText['bar-background-adaptive'] = [[Causes the progress bar background layer to automatically size itself to the
-tallest of the cache or progress bars. Useful for improving contrast but can
-make the bar take up more screen space. Has no effect if the cache bar height is
-less than the bar height.
-settings['bar-cache-position'] = 'overlay'
-helpText['bar-cache-position'] = [[Placement of the cache bar. Valid values are 'overlay' and 'underlay'.
-'overlay' causes the cache bar to be drawn on top of the foreground layer of the
-bar, allowing the display of seek ranges that have already been encountered.
-'underlay' draws the cache bar between the foreground and background layers. Any
-demuxer cache ranges that are prior to the current playback point will not be
-shown. This matches the previous behavior.
-settings['bar-cache-height-inactive'] = 1.5
-helpText['bar-cache-height-inactive'] = [[Sets the height of the cache bar display when the mouse is not in the active
-zone and there is no request-display active. Useful in combination with bar-
-cache-position to control whether or not the cache bar is occluded by (or
-occludes) the progress bar.
-settings['bar-cache-height-active'] = 4
-helpText['bar-cache-height-active'] = [[Sets the height of the cache bar display when the mouse is in the active zone or
-request-display is active. Useful in combination with bar-cache- position to
-control whether or not the cache bar is occluded by (or occludes) the progress
-settings['bar-default-style'] = [[\bord0\shad0]]
-helpText['bar-default-style'] = [[A string of ASS override tags that get applied to all three layers of the bar:
-progress, cache, and background. You probably don't want to remove \bord0 unless
-your default-style includes it.
-settings['bar-foreground-style'] = ''
-helpText['bar-foreground-style'] = [[A string of ASS override tags that get applied only to the progress layer of the
-settings['bar-cache-style'] = [[\c&H515151&]]
-helpText['bar-cache-style'] = [[A string of ASS override tags that get applied only to the cache layer of the
-bar, particularly the part of the cache bar that is behind the current playback
-position. The default sets only the color.
-settings['bar-cache-background-style'] = [[]]
-helpText['bar-cache-background-style'] = [[A string of ASS override tags that get applied only to the cache layer of the
-bar, particularly the part of the cache bar that is after the current playback
-position. The tags specified here are applied after bar-cache-style and override
-them. Leaving this blank will leave the style the same as specified by bar-
-cache-style. The split does not account for a nonzero progress-bar-width and may
-look odd when used in tandem with that setting.
-settings['bar-background-style'] = [[\c&H2D2D2D&]]
-helpText['bar-background-style'] = [[A string of ASS override tags that get applied only to the background layer of
-the bar. The default sets only the color.
-settings['enable-elapsed-time'] = true
-helpText['enable-elapsed-time'] = [[Sets whether or not the elapsed time is displayed at all.
-settings['elapsed-style'] = ''
-helpText['elapsed-style'] = [[A string of ASS override tags that get applied only to the elapsed time display.
-settings['elapsed-left-margin'] = 4
-helpText['elapsed-left-margin'] = [[Controls how far from the left edge of the window the elapsed time display is
-settings['elapsed-bottom-margin'] = 0
-helpText['elapsed-bottom-margin'] = [[Controls how far above the expanded progress bar the elapsed time display is
-settings['enable-remaining-time'] = true
-helpText['enable-remaining-time'] = [[Sets whether or not the remaining time is displayed at all.
-settings['remaining-style'] = ''
-helpText['remaining-style'] = [[A string of ASS override tags that get applied only to the remaining time
-settings['remaining-right-margin'] = 4
-helpText['remaining-right-margin'] = [[Controls how far from the right edge of the window the remaining time display is
-settings['remaining-bottom-margin'] = 0
-helpText['remaining-bottom-margin'] = [[Controls how far above the expanded progress bar the remaining time display is
-settings['enable-hover-time'] = true
-helpText['enable-hover-time'] = [[Sets whether or not the calculated time corresponding to the mouse position
-is displayed when the mouse hovers over the progress bar.
-settings['hover-time-style'] = [[\fs26]]
-helpText['hover-time-style'] = [[A string of ASS override tags that get applied only to the hover time display.
-Unfortunately, due to the way the hover time display is animated, alpha values
-set here will be overridden. This is subject to change in future versions.
-settings['hover-time-left-margin'] = 120
-helpText['hover-time-left-margin'] = [[Controls how close to the left edge of the window the hover time display can
-get. If this value is too small, it will end up overlapping the elapsed time
-settings['hover-time-right-margin'] = 130
-helpText['hover-time-right-margin'] = [[Controls how close to the right edge of the window the hover time display can
-get. If this value is too small, it will end up overlapping the remaining time
-settings['hover-time-bottom-margin'] = 0
-helpText['hover-time-bottom-margin'] = [[Controls how far above the expanded progress bar the remaining time display is
-settings['enable-title'] = true
-helpText['enable-title'] = [[Sets whether or not the video title is displayed at all.
-settings['title-style'] = ''
-helpText['title-style'] = [[A string of ASS override tags that get applied only to the video title display.
-settings['title-left-margin'] = 4
-helpText['title-left-margin'] = [[Controls how far from the left edge of the window the video title display is
-settings['title-top-margin'] = 0
-helpText['title-top-margin'] = [[Controls how far from the top edge of the window the video title display is
-settings['title-print-to-cli'] = true
-helpText['title-print-to-cli'] = [[Controls whether or not the script logs the video title and playlist position
-to the console every time a new video starts.
-settings['enable-system-time'] = true
-helpText['enable-system-time'] = [[Sets whether or not the system time is displayed at all.
-settings['system-time-style'] = ''
-helpText['system-time-style'] = [[A string of ASS override tags that get applied only to the system time display.
-settings['system-time-format'] = '%H:%M'
-helpText['system-time-format'] = [[Sets the format used for the system time display. This must be a strftime-
-compatible format string.
-settings['system-time-right-margin'] = 4
-helpText['system-time-right-margin'] = [[Controls how far from the right edge of the window the system time display is
-settings['system-time-top-margin'] = 0
-helpText['system-time-top-margin'] = [[Controls how far from the top edge of the window the system time display is
-settings['pause-indicator'] = true
-helpText['pause-indicator'] = [[Sets whether or not the pause indicator is displayed. The pause indicator is a
-momentary icon that flashes in the middle of the screen, similar to youtube.
-settings['pause-indicator-foreground-style'] = [[\c&HFC799E&]]
-helpText['pause-indicator-foreground-style'] = [[A string of ASS override tags that get applied only to the foreground of the
-pause indicator.
-settings['pause-indicator-background-style'] = [[\c&H2D2D2D&]]
-helpText['pause-indicator-background-style'] = [[A string of ASS override tags that get applied only to the background of the
-pause indicator.
-settings['enable-chapter-markers'] = true
-helpText['enable-chapter-markers'] = [[Sets whether or not the progress bar is decorated with chapter markers. Due to
-the way the chapter markers are currently implemented, videos with a large
-number of chapters may slow down the script somewhat, but I have yet to run
-into this being a problem.
-settings['chapter-marker-width'] = 2
-helpText['chapter-marker-width'] = [[Controls the width of each chapter marker when the progress bar is inactive.
-settings['chapter-marker-width-active'] = 4
-helpText['chapter-marker-width-active'] = [[Controls the width of each chapter marker when the progress bar is active.
-settings['chapter-marker-active-height-fraction'] = 1
-helpText['chapter-marker-active-height-fraction'] = [[Modifies the height of the chapter markers when the progress bar is active. Acts
-as a multiplier on the height of the active progress bar. A value greater than 1
-will cause the markers to be taller than the expanded progress bar, whereas a
-value less than 1 will cause them to be shorter.
-settings['chapter-marker-before-style'] = [[\c&HFC799E&]]
-helpText['chapter-marker-before-style'] = [[A string of ASS override tags that get applied only to chapter markers that have
-not yet been passed.
-settings['chapter-marker-after-style'] = [[\c&H2D2D2D&]]
-helpText['chapter-marker-after-style'] = [[A string of ASS override tags that get applied only to chapter markers that have
-already been passed.
-settings['request-display-duration'] = 1
-helpText['request-display-duration'] = [[Sets the amount of time in seconds that the UI stays on the screen after it
-receives a request-display signal. A value of 0 will keep the display on screen
-only as long as the key bound to it is held down.
-settings['redraw-period'] = 0.03
-helpText['redraw-period'] = [[Controls how often the display is redrawn, in seconds. This does not seem to
-significantly affect the smoothness of animations, and it is subject to the
-accuracy limits imposed by the scheduler mpv uses. Probably not worth changing
-unless you have major performance problems.
-settings['animation-duration'] = 0.25
-helpText['animation-duration'] = [[Controls how long the UI animations take. A value of 0 disables all animations
-(which breaks the pause indicator).
-settings['elapsed-offscreen-pos'] = -100
-helpText['elapsed-offscreen-pos'] = [[Controls how far off the left side of the window the elapsed time display tries
-to move when it is inactive. If you use a non-default font, this value may need
-to be tweaked. If this value is not far enough off-screen, the elapsed display
-will disappear without animating all the way off-screen. Positive values will
-cause the display to animate the wrong direction.
-settings['remaining-offscreen-pos'] = -100
-helpText['remaining-offscreen-pos'] = [[Controls how far off the left side of the window the remaining time display
-tries to move when it is inactive. If you use a non-default font, this value may
-need to be tweaked. If this value is not far enough off-screen, the elapsed
-display will disappear without animating all the way off-screen. Positive values
-will cause the display to animate the wrong direction.
-settings['hover-time-offscreen-pos'] = -50
-helpText['hover-time-offscreen-pos'] = [[Controls how far off the bottom of the window the mouse hover time display tries
-to move when it is inactive. If you use a non-default font, this value may need
-to be tweaked. If this value is not far enough off-screen, the elapsed
-display will disappear without animating all the way off-screen. Positive values
-will cause the display to animate the wrong direction.
-settings['system-time-offscreen-pos'] = -100
-helpText['system-time-offscreen-pos'] = [[Controls how far off the left side of the window the system time display tries
-to move when it is inactive. If you use a non-default font, this value may need
-to be tweaked. If this value is not far enough off-screen, the elapsed display
-will disappear without animating all the way off-screen. Positive values will
-cause the display to animate the wrong direction.
-settings['title-offscreen-pos'] = -40
-helpText['title-offscreen-pos'] = [[Controls how far off the left side of the window the video title display tries
-to move when it is inactive. If you use a non-default font, this value may need
-to be tweaked. If this value is not far enough off-screen, the elapsed display
-will disappear without animating all the way off-screen. Positive values will
-cause the display to animate the wrong direction.
-local Stack
- local _class_0
- local removeElementMetadata, reindex
- local _base_0 = {
- insert = function(self, element, index)
- if index then
- table.insert(self, index, element)
- element[self] = index
- else
- table.insert(self, element)
- element[self] = #self
- end
- if self.containmentKey then
- element[self.containmentKey] = true
- end
- end,
- remove = function(self, element)
- if element[self] == nil then
- error("Trying to remove an element that doesn't exist in this stack.")
- end
- table.remove(self, element[self])
- reindex(self, element[self])
- return removeElementMetadata(self, element)
- end,
- clear = function(self)
- local element = table.remove(self)
- while element do
- removeElementMetadata(self, element)
- element = table.remove(self)
- end
- end,
- removeSortedList = function(self, elementList)
- if #elementList < 1 then
- return
- end
- for i = 1, #elementList - 1 do
- local element = table.remove(elementList)
- table.remove(self, element[self])
- removeElementMetadata(self, element)
- end
- local lastElement = table.remove(elementList)
- table.remove(self, lastElement[self])
- reindex(self, lastElement[self])
- return removeElementMetadata(self, lastElement)
- end,
- removeList = function(self, elementList)
- table.sort(elementList, function(a, b)
- return a[self] < b[self]
- end)
- return self:removeSortedList(elementList)
- end
- }
- _base_0.__index = _base_0
- _class_0 = setmetatable({
- __init = function(self, containmentKey)
- self.containmentKey = containmentKey
- end,
- __base = _base_0,
- __name = "Stack"
- }, {
- __index = _base_0,
- __call = function(cls, ...)
- local _self_0 = setmetatable({}, _base_0)
- cls.__init(_self_0, ...)
- return _self_0
- end
- })
- _base_0.__class = _class_0
- local self = _class_0
- removeElementMetadata = function(self, element)
- element[self] = nil
- if self.containmentKey then
- element[self.containmentKey] = false
- end
- end
- reindex = function(self, start)
- if start == nil then
- start = 1
- end
- for i = start, #self do
- (self[i])[self] = i
- end
- end
- Stack = _class_0
-local Window
- local _class_0
- local osdScale
- local _base_0 = { }
- _base_0.__index = _base_0
- _class_0 = setmetatable({
- __init = function() end,
- __base = _base_0,
- __name = "Window"
- }, {
- __index = _base_0,
- __call = function(cls, ...)
- local _self_0 = setmetatable({}, _base_0)
- cls.__init(_self_0, ...)
- return _self_0
- end
- })
- _base_0.__class = _class_0
- local self = _class_0
- osdScale = settings['display-scale-factor']
- self.__class.w, self.__class.h = 0, 0
- self.update = function(self)
- local w, h = mp.get_osd_size()
- w, h = math.floor(w / osdScale), math.floor(h / osdScale)
- if w ~= self.w or h ~= self.h then
- self.w, self.h = w, h
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- end
- Window = _class_0
-local Mouse
- local _class_0
- local osdScale, scaledPosition
- local _base_0 = { }
- _base_0.__index = _base_0
- _class_0 = setmetatable({
- __init = function() end,
- __base = _base_0,
- __name = "Mouse"
- }, {
- __index = _base_0,
- __call = function(cls, ...)
- local _self_0 = setmetatable({}, _base_0)
- cls.__init(_self_0, ...)
- return _self_0
- end
- })
- _base_0.__class = _class_0
- local self = _class_0
- osdScale = settings['display-scale-factor']
- self.__class.x, self.__class.y = -1, -1
- self.__class.inWindow, self.__class.dead = false, true
- self.__class.clickX, self.__class.clickY = -1, -1
- self.__class.clickPending = false
- scaledPosition = function()
- local x, y = mp.get_mouse_pos()
- return math.floor(x / osdScale), math.floor(y / osdScale)
- end
- self.update = function(self)
- local oldX, oldY = self.x, self.y
- self.x, self.y = scaledPosition()
- if self.dead and (oldX ~= self.x or oldY ~= self.y) then
- self.dead = false
- end
- if not self.dead and self.clickPending then
- self.clickPending = false
- return true
- end
- return false
- end
- self.cacheClick = function(self)
- if not self.dead then
- self.clickX, self.clickY = scaledPosition()
- self.clickPending = true
- else
- self.dead = false
- end
- end
- Mouse = _class_0
-mp.add_key_binding("mouse_btn0", "left-click", function()
- return Mouse:cacheClick()
-mp.observe_property('fullscreen', 'bool', function()
- Mouse:update()
- Mouse.dead = true
-mp.add_forced_key_binding("mouse_leave", "mouse-leave", function()
- Mouse.inWindow = false
-mp.add_forced_key_binding("mouse_enter", "mouse-enter", function()
- Mouse.inWindow = true
-local Rect
- local _class_0
- local _base_0 = {
- cacheMaxBounds = function(self)
- self.xMax = self.x + self.w
- self.yMax = self.y + self.h
- end,
- setPosition = function(self, x, y)
- self.x = x or self.x
- self.y = y or self.y
- return self:cacheMaxBounds()
- end,
- setSize = function(self, w, h)
- self.w = w or self.w
- self.h = h or self.h
- return self:cacheMaxBounds()
- end,
- reset = function(self, x, y, w, h)
- self.x = x or self.x
- self.y = y or self.y
- self.w = w or self.w
- self.h = h or self.h
- return self:cacheMaxBounds()
- end,
- move = function(self, x, y)
- self.x = self.x + (x or self.x)
- self.y = self.y + (y or self.y)
- return self:cacheMaxBounds()
- end,
- stretch = function(self, w, h)
- self.w = self.w + (w or self.w)
- self.h = self.h + (h or self.h)
- return self:cacheMaxBounds()
- end,
- containsPoint = function(self, x, y)
- return (x >= self.x) and (x < self.xMax) and (y >= self.y) and (y < self.yMax)
- end
- }
- _base_0.__index = _base_0
- _class_0 = setmetatable({
- __init = function(self, x, y, w, h)
- if x == nil then
- x = -1
- end
- if y == nil then
- y = -1
- end
- if w == nil then
- w = -1
- end
- if h == nil then
- h = -1
- end
- self.x, self.y, self.w, self.h = x, y, w, h
- return self:cacheMaxBounds()
- end,
- __base = _base_0,
- __name = "Rect"
- }, {
- __index = _base_0,
- __call = function(cls, ...)
- local _self_0 = setmetatable({}, _base_0)
- cls.__init(_self_0, ...)
- return _self_0
- end
- })
- _base_0.__class = _class_0
- Rect = _class_0
-local ActivityZone
- local _class_0
- local _parent_0 = Rect
- local _base_0 = {
- reconfigure = function(self)
- self.active = false
- end,
- addUIElement = function(self, element)
- self.elements:insert(element)
- return element:activate(self.active)
- end,
- removeUIElement = function(self, element)
- return self.elements:remove(element)
- end,
- clickHandler = function(self)
- if not (self:containsPoint(Mouse.clickX, Mouse.clickY)) then
- return
- end
- for _, element in ipairs(self.elements) do
- if element.clickHandler and not element:clickHandler() then
- break
- end
- end
- end,
- activityCheck = function(self, displayRequested)
- if displayRequested == true then
- return true
- end
- if not (Mouse.inWindow) then
- return false
- end
- if Mouse.dead then
- return false
- end
- return self:containsPoint(Mouse.x, Mouse.y)
- end,
- update = function(self, displayRequested, clickPending)
- local nowActive = self:activityCheck(displayRequested)
- if self.active ~= nowActive then
- self.active = nowActive
- for id, element in ipairs(self.elements) do
- element:activate(nowActive)
- end
- end
- if clickPending then
- self:clickHandler()
- end
- return nowActive
- end
- }
- _base_0.__index = _base_0
- setmetatable(_base_0, _parent_0.__base)
- _class_0 = setmetatable({
- __init = function(self, resize, activityCheck)
- self.resize, self.activityCheck = resize, activityCheck
- _class_0.__parent.__init(self)
- self.active = false
- self.elements = Stack()
- end,
- __base = _base_0,
- __name = "ActivityZone",
- __parent = _parent_0
- }, {
- __index = function(cls, name)
- local val = rawget(_base_0, name)
- if val == nil then
- local parent = rawget(cls, "__parent")
- if parent then
- return parent[name]
- end
- else
- return val
- end
- end,
- __call = function(cls, ...)
- local _self_0 = setmetatable({}, _base_0)
- cls.__init(_self_0, ...)
- return _self_0
- end
- })
- _base_0.__class = _class_0
- if _parent_0.__inherited then
- _parent_0.__inherited(_parent_0, _class_0)
- end
- ActivityZone = _class_0
-local AnimationQueue
- local _class_0
- local animationList, deletionQueue
- local _base_0 = { }
- _base_0.__index = _base_0
- _class_0 = setmetatable({
- __init = function() end,
- __base = _base_0,
- __name = "AnimationQueue"
- }, {
- __index = _base_0,
- __call = function(cls, ...)
- local _self_0 = setmetatable({}, _base_0)
- cls.__init(_self_0, ...)
- return _self_0
- end
- })
- _base_0.__class = _class_0
- local self = _class_0
- animationList = Stack('active')
- deletionQueue = { }
- self.addAnimation = function(animation)
- if not (animation.active) then
- return animationList:insert(animation)
- end
- end
- self.removeAnimation = function(animation)
- if animation.active then
- return animationList:remove(animation)
- end
- end
- self.destroyAnimationStack = function()
- return animationList:clear()
- end
- self.animate = function()
- if #animationList == 0 then
- return
- end
- local currentTime = mp.get_time()
- for _, animation in ipairs(animationList) do
- if animation:update(currentTime) then
- table.insert(deletionQueue, animation)
- end
- end
- if #deletionQueue > 0 then
- return animationList:removeSortedList(deletionQueue)
- end
- end
- self.active = function()
- return #animationList > 0
- end
- AnimationQueue = _class_0
-local EventLoop
- local _class_0
- local _base_0 = {
- reconfigure = function(self)
- settings:_reload()
- AnimationQueue.destroyAnimationStack()
- for _, zone in ipairs(self.activityZones) do
- zone:reconfigure()
- end
- for _, element in ipairs(self.uiElements) do
- element:reconfigure()
- end
- end,
- addZone = function(self, zone)
- if zone == nil then
- return
- end
- return self.activityZones:insert(zone)
- end,
- removeZone = function(self, zone)
- if zone == nil then
- return
- end
- return self.activityZones:remove(zone)
- end,
- generateUIFromZones = function(self)
- local seenUIElements = { }
- self.script = { }
- self.uiElements:clear()
- AnimationQueue.destroyAnimationStack()
- for _, zone in ipairs(self.activityZones) do
- for _, uiElement in ipairs(zone.elements) do
- if not (seenUIElements[uiElement]) then
- self:addUIElement(uiElement)
- seenUIElements[uiElement] = true
- end
- end
- end
- return self.updateTimer:resume()
- end,
- addUIElement = function(self, uiElement)
- if uiElement == nil then
- error('nil UIElement added.')
- end
- self.uiElements:insert(uiElement)
- return table.insert(self.script, '')
- end,
- removeUIElement = function(self, uiElement)
- if uiElement == nil then
- error('nil UIElement removed.')
- end
- table.remove(self.script, uiElement[self.uiElements])
- self.uiElements:remove(uiElement)
- self.needsRedraw = true
- end,
- resize = function(self)
- for _, zone in ipairs(self.activityZones) do
- zone:resize()
- end
- for _, uiElement in ipairs(self.uiElements) do
- uiElement:resize()
- end
- end,
- redraw = function(self, forceRedraw)
- local clickPending = Mouse:update()
- if Window:update() then
- self:resize()
- end
- for index, zone in ipairs(self.activityZones) do
- zone:update(self.displayRequested, clickPending)
- end
- AnimationQueue.animate()
- for index, uiElement in ipairs(self.uiElements) do
- if uiElement:redraw() then
- self.script[index] = uiElement:stringify()
- self.needsRedraw = true
- end
- end
- if self.needsRedraw then
- mp.set_osd_ass(Window.w, Window.h, table.concat(self.script, '\n'))
- self.needsRedraw = false
- end
- end
- }
- _base_0.__index = _base_0
- _class_0 = setmetatable({
- __init = function(self)
- self.script = { }
- self.uiElements = Stack()
- self.activityZones = Stack()
- self.displayRequested = false
- self.needsRedraw = false
- self.updateTimer = mp.add_periodic_timer(settings['redraw-period'], (function()
- local _base_1 = self
- local _fn_0 = _base_1.redraw
- return function(...)
- return _fn_0(_base_1, ...)
- end
- end)())
- self.updateTimer:stop()
- mp.register_event('shutdown', function()
- return self.updateTimer:kill()
- end)
- local displayRequestTimer
- local displayDuration = settings['request-display-duration']
- mp.add_key_binding("tab", "request-display", function(event)
- if event.event == "repeat" then
- return
- end
- if event.event == "down" or event.event == "press" then
- if displayRequestTimer then
- displayRequestTimer:kill()
- end
- self.displayRequested = true
- end
- if event.event == "up" or event.event == "press" then
- if displayDuration == 0 then
- self.displayRequested = false
- else
- displayRequestTimer = mp.add_timeout(displayDuration, function()
- self.displayRequested = false
- end)
- end
- end
- end, {
- complex = true
- })
- return mp.add_key_binding('ctrl+r', 'reconfigure', (function()
- local _base_1 = self
- local _fn_0 = _base_1.reconfigure
- return function(...)
- return _fn_0(_base_1, ...)
- end
- end)(), {
- repeatable = false
- })
- end,
- __base = _base_0,
- __name = "EventLoop"
- }, {
- __index = _base_0,
- __call = function(cls, ...)
- local _self_0 = setmetatable({}, _base_0)
- cls.__init(_self_0, ...)
- return _self_0
- end
- })
- _base_0.__class = _class_0
- EventLoop = _class_0
-local Animation
- local _class_0
- local _base_0 = {
- update = function(self, now)
- if self.isReversed then
- self.linearProgress = math.max(0, math.min(1, self.linearProgress + (self.lastUpdate - now) * self.durationR))
- if self.linearProgress == 0 then
- self.isFinished = true
- end
- else
- self.linearProgress = math.max(0, math.min(1, self.linearProgress + (now - self.lastUpdate) * self.durationR))
- if self.linearProgress == 1 then
- self.isFinished = true
- end
- end
- self.lastUpdate = now
- local progress = math.pow(self.linearProgress, self.accel)
- self.value = (1 - progress) * self.initialValue + progress * self.endValue
- self.updateCb(self.value)
- if self.isFinished and self.finishedCb then
- self:finishedCb()
- end
- return self.isFinished
- end,
- interrupt = function(self, reverse)
- self.finishedCb = nil
- self.lastUpdate = mp.get_time()
- self.isReversed = reverse
- if not (self.active) then
- self.isFinished = false
- return AnimationQueue.addAnimation(self)
- end
- end
- }
- _base_0.__index = _base_0
- _class_0 = setmetatable({
- __init = function(self, initialValue, endValue, duration, updateCb, finishedCb, accel)
- if accel == nil then
- accel = 1
- end
- self.initialValue, self.endValue, self.duration, self.updateCb, self.finishedCb, self.accel = initialValue, endValue, duration, updateCb, finishedCb, accel
- self.value = self.initialValue
- self.linearProgress = 0
- self.lastUpdate = mp.get_time()
- self.durationR = 1 / self.duration
- self.isFinished = (self.duration <= 0)
- self.active = false
- self.isReversed = false
- end,
- __base = _base_0,
- __name = "Animation"
- }, {
- __index = _base_0,
- __call = function(cls, ...)
- local _self_0 = setmetatable({}, _base_0)
- cls.__init(_self_0, ...)
- return _self_0
- end
- })
- _base_0.__class = _class_0
- Animation = _class_0
-local UIElement
- local _class_0
- local _base_0 = {
- stringify = function(self)
- self.needsUpdate = false
- if not self.active then
- return ''
- else
- return table.concat(self.line)
- end
- end,
- activate = function(self, activate)
- if activate == true then
- self.animation:interrupt(false)
- self.active = true
- else
- self.animation:interrupt(true)
- self.animation.finishedCb = function()
- self.active = false
- end
- end
- end,
- reconfigure = function(self)
- self.needsUpdate = true
- self.animationDuration = settings['animation-duration']
- end,
- resize = function(self)
- return error('UIElement updateSize called')
- end,
- redraw = function(self)
- return self.needsUpdate
- end
- }
- _base_0.__index = _base_0
- _class_0 = setmetatable({
- __init = function(self)
- self.needsUpdate = false
- self.active = false
- self.animationDuration = settings['animation-duration']
- end,
- __base = _base_0,
- __name = "UIElement"
- }, {
- __index = _base_0,
- __call = function(cls, ...)
- local _self_0 = setmetatable({}, _base_0)
- cls.__init(_self_0, ...)
- return _self_0
- end
- })
- _base_0.__class = _class_0
- UIElement = _class_0
-local BarAccent
- local _class_0
- local barSize
- local _parent_0 = UIElement
- local _base_0 = {
- reconfigure = function(self)
- _class_0.__parent.__base.reconfigure(self)
- barSize = settings['bar-height-active']
- end,
- resize = function(self)
- self.yPos = Window.h - barSize
- self.needsUpdate = true
- end,
- redraw = function(self)
- if self.barSize ~= barSize then
- self.barSize = barSize
- return self:resize()
- end
- end
- }
- _base_0.__index = _base_0
- setmetatable(_base_0, _parent_0.__base)
- _class_0 = setmetatable({
- __init = function(self)
- _class_0.__parent.__init(self)
- self.yPos = Window.h - barSize
- end,
- __base = _base_0,
- __name = "BarAccent",
- __parent = _parent_0
- }, {
- __index = function(cls, name)
- local val = rawget(_base_0, name)
- if val == nil then
- local parent = rawget(cls, "__parent")
- if parent then
- return parent[name]
- end
- else
- return val
- end
- end,
- __call = function(cls, ...)
- local _self_0 = setmetatable({}, _base_0)
- cls.__init(_self_0, ...)
- return _self_0
- end
- })
- _base_0.__class = _class_0
- local self = _class_0
- barSize = settings['bar-height-active']
- self.changeBarSize = function(size)
- barSize = size
- end
- if _parent_0.__inherited then
- _parent_0.__inherited(_parent_0, _class_0)
- end
- BarAccent = _class_0
-local BarBase
- local _class_0
- local hideInactive, lineBaseTemplate
- local _parent_0 = UIElement
- local _base_0 = {
- _updateBarVisibility = function(self)
- if hideInactive then
- self.animationMinHeight = 0
- else
- self.animationMinHeight = self.minHeight
- end
- end,
- reconfigure = function(self, prefix)
- if prefix == nil then
- prefix = 'bar-'
- end
- _class_0.__parent.__base.reconfigure(self)
- self.minHeight = settings[prefix .. 'height-inactive'] * 100
- self.maxHeight = settings[prefix .. 'height-active'] * 100
- hideInactive = settings['bar-hide-inactive']
- self:_updateBarVisibility()
- self.line[4] = self.minHeight
- self.line[8] = lineBaseTemplate:format(settings['default-style'], settings['bar-default-style'], '%s')
- self.animation = Animation(0, 1, self.animationDuration, (function()
- local _base_1 = self
- local _fn_0 = _base_1.animate
- return function(...)
- return _fn_0(_base_1, ...)
- end
- end)())
- end,
- stringify = function(self)
- self.needsUpdate = false
- if hideInactive and not self.active then
- return ""
- else
- return table.concat(self.line)
- end
- end,
- resize = function(self)
- self.line[2] = ([[%d,%d]]):format(0, Window.h)
- self.line[9] = ([[m 0 0 l %d 0 %d 1 0 1]]):format(Window.w, Window.w)
- self.needsUpdate = true
- end,
- animate = function(self, value)
- self.line[4] = ([[%g]]):format((self.maxHeight - self.animationMinHeight) * value + self.animationMinHeight)
- self.needsUpdate = true
- end,
- redraw = function(self)
- if self.hideInactive ~= hideInactive then
- self.hideInactive = hideInactive
- if not (self.active) then
- self:animate(0)
- end
- end
- return self.needsUpdate
- end
- }
- _base_0.__index = _base_0
- setmetatable(_base_0, _parent_0.__base)
- _class_0 = setmetatable({
- __init = function(self)
- self.minHeight = settings['bar-height-inactive'] * 100
- self.animationMinHeight = minHeight
- self.maxHeight = settings['bar-height-active'] * 100
- self.line = {
- [[{\pos(]],
- 0,
- [[)\fscy]],
- minHeight,
- [[\fscx]],
- 0.001,
- [[]],
- lineBaseTemplate,
- 0
- }
- _class_0.__parent.__init(self)
- table.insert(self.__class.instantiatedBars, self)
- return self:reconfigure()
- end,
- __base = _base_0,
- __name = "BarBase",
- __parent = _parent_0
- }, {
- __index = function(cls, name)
- local val = rawget(_base_0, name)
- if val == nil then
- local parent = rawget(cls, "__parent")
- if parent then
- return parent[name]
- end
- else
- return val
- end
- end,
- __call = function(cls, ...)
- local _self_0 = setmetatable({}, _base_0)
- cls.__init(_self_0, ...)
- return _self_0
- end
- })
- _base_0.__class = _class_0
- local self = _class_0
- hideInactive = settings['bar-hide-inactive']
- self.instantiatedBars = { }
- self.toggleInactiveVisibility = function(self)
- hideInactive = not hideInactive
- local _list_0 = self.instantiatedBars
- for _index_0 = 1, #_list_0 do
- local bar = _list_0[_index_0]
- bar:_updateBarVisibility()
- end
- end
- lineBaseTemplate = [[\an1%s%s%s\p1}]]
- if _parent_0.__inherited then
- _parent_0.__inherited(_parent_0, _class_0)
- end
- BarBase = _class_0
-local ProgressBar
- local _class_0
- local seekString
- local _parent_0 = BarBase
- local _base_0 = {
- reconfigure = function(self)
- _class_0.__parent.__base.reconfigure(self)
- seekString = ('absolute-percent+%s'):format(settings['seek-precision'])
- self.barShift = settings['progress-bar-width'] / 2.0
- self:resize()
- self.line[7] = [[]]
- self.line[8] = self.line[8]:format(settings['bar-foreground-style'])
- end,
- clickHandler = function(self)
- return mp.commandv("seek", Mouse.clickX * 100 / Window.w, seekString)
- end,
- resize = function(self)
- _class_0.__parent.__base.resize(self)
- if self.barShift > 0 then
- self.line[2] = ('%g,%g'):format(self.barShift, Window.h)
- end
- end,
- redraw = function(self)
- _class_0.__parent.__base.redraw(self)
- if self.hideInactive and not self.active then
- return self.needsUpdate
- end
- local position = mp.get_property_number('percent-pos', 0)
- if position ~= self.lastPosition or self.needsUpdate then
- self.line[6] = position
- if self.barShift > 0 then
- local followingEdge = Window.w * position * 1e-2 - self.barShift
- self.line[7] = ([[\clip(m %g 0 l %g 0 %g %g %g %g)]]):format(followingEdge, Window.w, Window.w, Window.h, followingEdge, Window.h)
- end
- self.lastPosition = position
- self.needsUpdate = true
- end
- return self.needsUpdate
- end
- }
- _base_0.__index = _base_0
- setmetatable(_base_0, _parent_0.__base)
- _class_0 = setmetatable({
- __init = function(self)
- _class_0.__parent.__init(self)
- self.lastPosition = 0
- end,
- __base = _base_0,
- __name = "ProgressBar",
- __parent = _parent_0
- }, {
- __index = function(cls, name)
- local val = rawget(_base_0, name)
- if val == nil then
- local parent = rawget(cls, "__parent")
- if parent then
- return parent[name]
- end
- else
- return val
- end
- end,
- __call = function(cls, ...)
- local _self_0 = setmetatable({}, _base_0)
- cls.__init(_self_0, ...)
- return _self_0
- end
- })
- _base_0.__class = _class_0
- local self = _class_0
- seekString = ('absolute-percent+%s'):format(settings['seek-precision'])
- if _parent_0.__inherited then
- _parent_0.__inherited(_parent_0, _class_0)
- end
- ProgressBar = _class_0
-local ProgressBarCache
- local _class_0
- local timestamp
- local _parent_0 = BarBase
- local _base_0 = {
- reconfigure = function(self)
- _class_0.__parent.__base.reconfigure(self, 'bar-cache-')
- self.line[6] = 100
- self.line[8] = self.line[8]:format(settings['bar-cache-style']) .. 'm 0 0'
- self.line[10] = ([[{\p0%s\p1}]]):format(settings['bar-cache-background-style'])
- self.line[11] = [[]]
- self.fileDuration = mp.get_property_number('duration', nil)
- end,
- resize = function(self)
- _class_0.__parent.__base.resize(self)
- if self.fileDuration then
- self.coordinateRemap = Window.w / self.fileDuration
- end
- self.line[9] = [[]]
- end,
- redraw = function(self)
- _class_0.__parent.__base.redraw(self)
- if self.hideInactive and not self.active then
- return self.needsUpdate
- end
- if self.fileDuration and (self.fileDuration > 0) then
- local barDrawing = {
- past = { },
- future = { }
- }
- local ranges
- ranges = mp.get_property_native('demuxer-cache-state', { })['seekable-ranges']
- if ranges and (#ranges > 0) then
- local position = mp.get_property_number('percent-pos', 0)
- local cacheKeyAggregator = {
- Window.w,
- position
- }
- for _index_0 = 1, #ranges do
- local _des_0 = ranges[_index_0]
- local rangeStart, rangeEnd
- rangeStart, rangeEnd = _des_0.start, _des_0["end"]
- table.insert(cacheKeyAggregator, rangeStart)
- table.insert(cacheKeyAggregator, rangeEnd)
- end
- local cacheKey = table.concat(cacheKeyAggregator, '_')
- if cacheKey == self.cacheKey then
- return self.needsUpdate
- end
- local progressPosition = mp.get_property_number('percent-pos', 0) * Window.w * 0.01
- for _index_0 = 1, #ranges do
- local _des_0 = ranges[_index_0]
- local rangeStart, rangeEnd
- rangeStart, rangeEnd = _des_0.start, _des_0["end"]
- rangeStart = rangeStart * self.coordinateRemap
- rangeEnd = rangeEnd * self.coordinateRemap
- if rangeEnd < progressPosition then
- local rect = ('m %g 0 l %g 1 %g 1 %g 0'):format(rangeStart, rangeStart, rangeEnd, rangeEnd)
- table.insert(barDrawing.past, rect)
- elseif rangeStart > progressPosition then
- rangeStart = rangeStart - progressPosition
- rangeEnd = rangeEnd - progressPosition
- local rect = ('m %g 0 l %g 1 %g 1 %g 0'):format(rangeStart, rangeStart, rangeEnd, rangeEnd)
- table.insert(barDrawing.future, rect)
- else
- rangeEnd = rangeEnd - progressPosition
- local rectPast = ('m %g 0 l %g 1 %g 1 %g 0'):format(rangeStart, rangeStart, progressPosition, progressPosition)
- local rectFuture = ('m %g 0 l %g 1 %g 1 %g 0'):format(0, 0, rangeEnd, rangeEnd)
- table.insert(barDrawing.past, rectPast)
- table.insert(barDrawing.future, rectFuture)
- end
- end
- self.line[9] = table.concat(barDrawing.past, ' ') .. ('m %g 0'):format(progressPosition)
- self.line[11] = table.concat(barDrawing.future, ' ')
- self.cacheKey = cacheKey
- self.needsUpdate = true
- end
- end
- return self.needsUpdate
- end
- }
- _base_0.__index = _base_0
- setmetatable(_base_0, _parent_0.__base)
- _class_0 = setmetatable({
- __init = function(self)
- _class_0.__parent.__init(self)
- self.cacheKey = nil
- self.coordinateRemap = 0
- return mp.observe_property('duration', 'number', function(name, value)
- if value and (value > 0) then
- self.fileDuration = value
- self.coordinateRemap = Window.w / value
- end
- end)
- end,
- __base = _base_0,
- __name = "ProgressBarCache",
- __parent = _parent_0
- }, {
- __index = function(cls, name)
- local val = rawget(_base_0, name)
- if val == nil then
- local parent = rawget(cls, "__parent")
- if parent then
- return parent[name]
- end
- else
- return val
- end
- end,
- __call = function(cls, ...)
- local _self_0 = setmetatable({}, _base_0)
- cls.__init(_self_0, ...)
- return _self_0
- end
- })
- _base_0.__class = _class_0
- local self = _class_0
- timestamp = os.time()
- if _parent_0.__inherited then
- _parent_0.__inherited(_parent_0, _class_0)
- end
- ProgressBarCache = _class_0
-local ProgressBarBackground
- local _class_0
- local _parent_0 = BarBase
- local _base_0 = {
- reconfigure = function(self)
- _class_0.__parent.__base.reconfigure(self)
- if settings['bar-background-adaptive'] then
- local _list_0 = self.__class.instantiatedBars
- for _index_0 = 1, #_list_0 do
- local bar = _list_0[_index_0]
- self.minHeight = math.max(self.minHeight, bar.minHeight)
- self.maxHeight = math.max(self.maxHeight, bar.maxHeight)
- end
- self:_updateBarVisibility()
- end
- self.line[6] = 100
- self.line[8] = self.line[8]:format(settings['bar-background-style'])
- end
- }
- _base_0.__index = _base_0
- setmetatable(_base_0, _parent_0.__base)
- _class_0 = setmetatable({
- __init = function(self, ...)
- return _class_0.__parent.__init(self, ...)
- end,
- __base = _base_0,
- __name = "ProgressBarBackground",
- __parent = _parent_0
- }, {
- __index = function(cls, name)
- local val = rawget(_base_0, name)
- if val == nil then
- local parent = rawget(cls, "__parent")
- if parent then
- return parent[name]
- end
- else
- return val
- end
- end,
- __call = function(cls, ...)
- local _self_0 = setmetatable({}, _base_0)
- cls.__init(_self_0, ...)
- return _self_0
- end
- })
- _base_0.__class = _class_0
- if _parent_0.__inherited then
- _parent_0.__inherited(_parent_0, _class_0)
- end
- ProgressBarBackground = _class_0
-local ChapterMarker
- local _class_0
- local beforeStyle, afterStyle
- local _base_0 = {
- stringify = function(self)
- return table.concat(self.line)
- end,
- resize = function(self)
- self.line[2] = ('%d,%d'):format(math.floor(self.position * Window.w), Window.h)
- end,
- animate = function(self, width, height)
- self.line[4] = ('%g'):format(width)
- self.line[6] = ('%g'):format(height)
- end,
- redraw = function(self, position, update)
- if update == nil then
- update = false
- end
- if not self.passed and (position > self.position) then
- self.line[7] = afterStyle
- self.passed = true
- update = true
- elseif self.passed and (position < self.position) then
- self.line[7] = beforeStyle
- self.passed = false
- update = true
- end
- return update
- end
- }
- _base_0.__index = _base_0
- _class_0 = setmetatable({
- __init = function(self, position, minWidth, minHeight)
- self.position = position
- self.line = {
- [[{\an2\bord0\p1\pos(]],
- ([[%g,%g]]):format(self.position * Window.w, Window.h),
- [[)\fscx]],
- minWidth,
- [[\fscy]],
- minHeight,
- beforeStyle,
- '}m 0 0 l 1 0 1 1 0 1\n'
- }
- self.passed = false
- end,
- __base = _base_0,
- __name = "ChapterMarker"
- }, {
- __index = _base_0,
- __call = function(cls, ...)
- local _self_0 = setmetatable({}, _base_0)
- cls.__init(_self_0, ...)
- return _self_0
- end
- })
- _base_0.__class = _class_0
- local self = _class_0
- beforeStyle = settings['chapter-marker-before-style']
- afterStyle = settings['chapter-marker-after-style']
- self.reconfigure = function(self)
- beforeStyle = settings['chapter-marker-before-style']
- afterStyle = settings['chapter-marker-after-style']
- end
- ChapterMarker = _class_0
-local Chapters
- local _class_0
- local minWidth, maxWidth, maxHeight, maxHeightFrac
- local _parent_0 = BarBase
- local _base_0 = {
- createMarkers = function(self)
- self.line = { }
- self.markers = { }
- local totalTime = mp.get_property_number('duration', 0.01)
- local chapters = mp.get_property_native('chapter-list', { })
- local markerHeight = self.active and maxHeight * maxHeightFrac or BarBase.instantiatedBars[1].animationMinHeight
- local markerWidth = self.active and maxWidth or minWidth
- for _index_0 = 1, #chapters do
- local chapter = chapters[_index_0]
- local marker = ChapterMarker(chapter.time / totalTime, markerWidth, markerHeight)
- table.insert(self.markers, marker)
- table.insert(self.line, marker:stringify())
- end
- self.needsUpdate = true
- end,
- reconfigure = function(self)
- UIElement.reconfigure(self)
- minWidth = settings['chapter-marker-width'] * 100
- maxWidth = settings['chapter-marker-width-active'] * 100
- maxHeight = settings['bar-height-active'] * 100
- maxHeightFrac = settings['chapter-marker-active-height-fraction']
- ChapterMarker:reconfigure()
- self:createMarkers()
- self.animation = Animation(0, 1, self.animationDuration, (function()
- local _base_1 = self
- local _fn_0 = _base_1.animate
- return function(...)
- return _fn_0(_base_1, ...)
- end
- end)())
- end,
- resize = function(self)
- for i, marker in ipairs(self.markers) do
- marker:resize()
- self.line[i] = marker:stringify()
- end
- self.needsUpdate = true
- end,
- animate = function(self, value)
- local width = (maxWidth - minWidth) * value + minWidth
- local height = (maxHeight * maxHeightFrac - BarBase.instantiatedBars[1].animationMinHeight) * value + BarBase.instantiatedBars[1].animationMinHeight
- for i, marker in ipairs(self.markers) do
- marker:animate(width, height)
- self.line[i] = marker:stringify()
- end
- self.needsUpdate = true
- end,
- redraw = function(self)
- _class_0.__parent.__base.redraw(self)
- local currentPosition = mp.get_property_number('percent-pos', 0) * 0.01
- local update = false
- for i, marker in ipairs(self.markers) do
- if marker:redraw(currentPosition) then
- self.line[i] = marker:stringify()
- update = true
- end
- end
- return self.needsUpdate or update
- end
- }
- _base_0.__index = _base_0
- setmetatable(_base_0, _parent_0.__base)
- _class_0 = setmetatable({
- __init = function(self)
- _class_0.__parent.__init(self)
- self.line = { }
- self.markers = { }
- self.animation = Animation(0, 1, self.animationDuration, (function()
- local _base_1 = self
- local _fn_0 = _base_1.animate
- return function(...)
- return _fn_0(_base_1, ...)
- end
- end)())
- end,
- __base = _base_0,
- __name = "Chapters",
- __parent = _parent_0
- }, {
- __index = function(cls, name)
- local val = rawget(_base_0, name)
- if val == nil then
- local parent = rawget(cls, "__parent")
- if parent then
- return parent[name]
- end
- else
- return val
- end
- end,
- __call = function(cls, ...)
- local _self_0 = setmetatable({}, _base_0)
- cls.__init(_self_0, ...)
- return _self_0
- end
- })
- _base_0.__class = _class_0
- local self = _class_0
- minWidth = settings['chapter-marker-width'] * 100
- maxWidth = settings['chapter-marker-width-active'] * 100
- maxHeight = settings['bar-height-active'] * 100
- maxHeightFrac = settings['chapter-marker-active-height-fraction']
- if _parent_0.__inherited then
- _parent_0.__inherited(_parent_0, _class_0)
- end
- Chapters = _class_0
-local TimeElapsed
- local _class_0
- local bottomMargin
- local _parent_0 = BarAccent
- local _base_0 = {
- reconfigure = function(self)
- _class_0.__parent.__base.reconfigure(self)
- bottomMargin = settings['elapsed-bottom-margin']
- local offscreenPos = settings['elapsed-offscreen-pos']
- self.line[2] = ('%g,%g'):format(self.position, self.yPos - bottomMargin)
- self.line[3] = ([[)\an1%s%s}]]):format(settings['default-style'], settings['elapsed-style'])
- self.animation = Animation(offscreenPos, settings['elapsed-left-margin'], self.animationDuration, (function()
- local _base_1 = self
- local _fn_0 = _base_1.animate
- return function(...)
- return _fn_0(_base_1, ...)
- end
- end)(), nil, 0.5)
- end,
- resize = function(self)
- _class_0.__parent.__base.resize(self)
- self.line[2] = ('%g,%g'):format(self.position, self.yPos - bottomMargin)
- end,
- animate = function(self, value)
- self.position = value
- self.line[2] = ('%g,%g'):format(value, self.yPos - bottomMargin)
- self.needsUpdate = true
- end,
- redraw = function(self)
- if self.active then
- _class_0.__parent.__base.redraw(self)
- local timeElapsed = math.floor(mp.get_property_number('time-pos', 0))
- if timeElapsed ~= self.lastTime then
- local update = true
- self.line[4] = ('%d:%02d:%02d'):format(math.floor(timeElapsed / 3600), math.floor((timeElapsed / 60) % 60), math.floor(timeElapsed % 60))
- self.lastTime = timeElapsed
- self.needsUpdate = true
- end
- end
- return self.needsUpdate
- end
- }
- _base_0.__index = _base_0
- setmetatable(_base_0, _parent_0.__base)
- _class_0 = setmetatable({
- __init = function(self)
- _class_0.__parent.__init(self)
- local offscreenPos = settings['elapsed-offscreen-pos']
- self.line = {
- [[{\pos(]],
- ([[%g,0]]):format(offscreenPos),
- ([[)\an1%s%s}]]):format(settings['default-style'], settings['elapsed-style']),
- [[????]]
- }
- self.lastTime = -1
- self.position = offscreenPos
- self.animation = Animation(offscreenPos, settings['elapsed-left-margin'], self.animationDuration, (function()
- local _base_1 = self
- local _fn_0 = _base_1.animate
- return function(...)
- return _fn_0(_base_1, ...)
- end
- end)(), nil, 0.5)
- end,
- __base = _base_0,
- __name = "TimeElapsed",
- __parent = _parent_0
- }, {
- __index = function(cls, name)
- local val = rawget(_base_0, name)
- if val == nil then
- local parent = rawget(cls, "__parent")
- if parent then
- return parent[name]
- end
- else
- return val
- end
- end,
- __call = function(cls, ...)
- local _self_0 = setmetatable({}, _base_0)
- cls.__init(_self_0, ...)
- return _self_0
- end
- })
- _base_0.__class = _class_0
- local self = _class_0
- bottomMargin = settings['elapsed-bottom-margin']
- if _parent_0.__inherited then
- _parent_0.__inherited(_parent_0, _class_0)
- end
- TimeElapsed = _class_0
-local TimeRemaining
- local _class_0
- local bottomMargin
- local _parent_0 = BarAccent
- local _base_0 = {
- reconfigure = function(self)
- _class_0.__parent.__base.reconfigure(self)
- bottomMargin = settings['remaining-bottom-margin']
- local offscreenPos = settings['remaining-offscreen-pos']
- self.line[2] = ('%g,%g'):format(self.position, self.yPos - bottomMargin)
- self.line[3] = ([[)\an3%s%s}]]):format(settings['default-style'], settings['remaining-style'])
- self.animation = Animation(offscreenPos, settings['remaining-right-margin'], self.animationDuration, (function()
- local _base_1 = self
- local _fn_0 = _base_1.animate
- return function(...)
- return _fn_0(_base_1, ...)
- end
- end)(), nil, 0.5)
- end,
- resize = function(self)
- _class_0.__parent.__base.resize(self)
- self.position = Window.w - self.animation.value
- self.line[2] = ('%g,%g'):format(self.position, self.yPos - bottomMargin)
- end,
- animate = function(self, value)
- self.position = Window.w - value
- self.line[2] = ('%g,%g'):format(self.position, self.yPos - bottomMargin)
- self.needsUpdate = true
- end,
- redraw = function(self)
- if self.active then
- _class_0.__parent.__base.redraw(self)
- local timeRemaining = math.floor(mp.get_property_number('playtime-remaining', 0))
- if timeRemaining ~= self.lastTime then
- local update = true
- self.line[4] = ('–%d:%02d:%02d'):format(math.floor(timeRemaining / 3600), math.floor((timeRemaining / 60) % 60), math.floor(timeRemaining % 60))
- self.lastTime = timeRemaining
- self.needsUpdate = true
- end
- end
- return self.needsUpdate
- end
- }
- _base_0.__index = _base_0
- setmetatable(_base_0, _parent_0.__base)
- _class_0 = setmetatable({
- __init = function(self)
- _class_0.__parent.__init(self)
- local offscreenPos = settings['remaining-offscreen-pos']
- self.line = {
- [[{\pos(]],
- ([[%g,0]]):format(offscreenPos),
- ([[)\an3%s%s}]]):format(settings['default-style'], settings['remaining-style']),
- [[????]]
- }
- self.lastTime = -1
- self.position = offscreenPos
- self.animation = Animation(offscreenPos, settings['remaining-right-margin'], self.animationDuration, (function()
- local _base_1 = self
- local _fn_0 = _base_1.animate
- return function(...)
- return _fn_0(_base_1, ...)
- end
- end)(), nil, 0.5)
- end,
- __base = _base_0,
- __name = "TimeRemaining",
- __parent = _parent_0
- }, {
- __index = function(cls, name)
- local val = rawget(_base_0, name)
- if val == nil then
- local parent = rawget(cls, "__parent")
- if parent then
- return parent[name]
- end
- else
- return val
- end
- end,
- __call = function(cls, ...)
- local _self_0 = setmetatable({}, _base_0)
- cls.__init(_self_0, ...)
- return _self_0
- end
- })
- _base_0.__class = _class_0
- local self = _class_0
- bottomMargin = settings['remaining-bottom-margin']
- if _parent_0.__inherited then
- _parent_0.__inherited(_parent_0, _class_0)
- end
- TimeRemaining = _class_0
-local HoverTime
- local _class_0
- local rightMargin, leftMargin, bottomMargin, offScreenPos
- local _parent_0 = BarAccent
- local _base_0 = {
- reconfigure = function(self)
- _class_0.__parent.__base.reconfigure(self)
- rightMargin = settings['hover-time-right-margin']
- leftMargin = settings['hover-time-left-margin']
- bottomMargin = settings['hover-time-bottom-margin']
- offScreenPos = settings['hover-time-offscreen-pos']
- self.line[2] = ('%g,%g'):format(math.min(Window.w - rightMargin, math.max(leftMargin, Mouse.x)), self.position)
- self.line[1] = ([[{%s%s\pos(]]):format(settings['default-style'], settings['hover-time-style'])
- self.animation = Animation(offScreenPos, bottomMargin, self.animationDuration, (function()
- local _base_1 = self
- local _fn_0 = _base_1.animate
- return function(...)
- return _fn_0(_base_1, ...)
- end
- end)(), nil, 0.5)
- end,
- resize = function(self)
- _class_0.__parent.__base.resize(self)
- self.line[2] = ("%g,%g"):format(math.min(Window.w - rightMargin, math.max(leftMargin, Mouse.x)), self.yPos - self.animation.value)
- end,
- animate = function(self, value)
- self.position = self.yPos - value
- self.line[2] = ("%g,%g"):format(math.min(Window.w - rightMargin, math.max(leftMargin, Mouse.x)), self.position)
- self.needsUpdate = true
- end,
- redraw = function(self)
- if self.active then
- _class_0.__parent.__base.redraw(self)
- if Mouse.x ~= self.lastX then
- self.line[2] = ("%g,%g"):format(math.min(Window.w - rightMargin, math.max(leftMargin, Mouse.x)), self.position)
- self.lastX = Mouse.x
- local hoverTime = mp.get_property_number('duration', 0) * Mouse.x / Window.w
- if hoverTime ~= self.lastTime then
- self.line[4] = ([[%d:%02d:%02d]]):format(math.floor(hoverTime / 3600), math.floor((hoverTime / 60) % 60), math.floor(hoverTime % 60))
- self.lastTime = hoverTime
- end
- self.needsUpdate = true
- end
- end
- return self.needsUpdate
- end
- }
- _base_0.__index = _base_0
- setmetatable(_base_0, _parent_0.__base)
- _class_0 = setmetatable({
- __init = function(self)
- _class_0.__parent.__init(self)
- self.line = {
- ([[{%s%s\pos(]]):format(settings['default-style'], settings['hover-time-style']),
- [[-100,0]],
- [[)\an2}]],
- [[????]]
- }
- self.lastTime = 0
- self.lastX = -1
- self.position = offScreenPos
- self.animation = Animation(offScreenPos, bottomMargin, self.animationDuration, (function()
- local _base_1 = self
- local _fn_0 = _base_1.animate
- return function(...)
- return _fn_0(_base_1, ...)
- end
- end)(), nil, 0.5)
- end,
- __base = _base_0,
- __name = "HoverTime",
- __parent = _parent_0
- }, {
- __index = function(cls, name)
- local val = rawget(_base_0, name)
- if val == nil then
- local parent = rawget(cls, "__parent")
- if parent then
- return parent[name]
- end
- else
- return val
- end
- end,
- __call = function(cls, ...)
- local _self_0 = setmetatable({}, _base_0)
- cls.__init(_self_0, ...)
- return _self_0
- end
- })
- _base_0.__class = _class_0
- local self = _class_0
- rightMargin = settings['hover-time-right-margin']
- leftMargin = settings['hover-time-left-margin']
- bottomMargin = settings['hover-time-bottom-margin']
- offScreenPos = settings['hover-time-offscreen-pos']
- if _parent_0.__inherited then
- _parent_0.__inherited(_parent_0, _class_0)
- end
- HoverTime = _class_0
-local PauseIndicator
- local _class_0
- local _base_0 = {
- stringify = function(self)
- return table.concat(self.line)
- end,
- resize = function(self)
- local w, h = 0.5 * Window.w, 0.5 * Window.h
- self.line[5] = ([[%g,%g]]):format(w, h)
- self.line[12] = ([[%g,%g]]):format(w, h)
- end,
- redraw = function()
- return true
- end,
- animate = function(self, value)
- local scale = value * 50 + 100
- local scaleStr = ([[{\fscx%g\fscy%g]]):format(scale, scale)
- local alphaStr = ('%02X'):format(value * value * 255)
- self.line[1] = scaleStr
- self.line[8] = scaleStr
- self.line[3] = alphaStr
- self.line[10] = alphaStr
- end,
- destroy = function(self, animation)
- return self.eventLoop:removeUIElement(self)
- end
- }
- _base_0.__index = _base_0
- _class_0 = setmetatable({
- __init = function(self, eventLoop, paused)
- self.eventLoop = eventLoop
- local w, h = 0.5 * Window.w, 0.5 * Window.h
- self.line = {
- [[{\fscx0\fscy0]],
- [[\alpha&H]],
- 0,
- [[&\pos(]],
- ([[%g,%g]]):format(w, h),
- ([[)\an5\bord0%s\p1}]]):format(settings['pause-indicator-background-style']),
- 0,
- [[{\fscx0\fscy0]],
- [[\alpha&H]],
- 0,
- [[&\pos(]],
- ([[%g,%g]]):format(w, h),
- ([[)\an5\bord0%s\p1}]]):format(settings['pause-indicator-foreground-style']),
- 0
- }
- if paused then
- self.line[7] = 'm 75 37.5 b 75 58.21 58.21 75 37.5 75 16.79 75 0 58.21 0 37.5 0 16.79 16.79 0 37.5 0 58.21 0 75 16.79 75 37.5 m 23 20 l 23 55 33 55 33 20 m 42 20 l 42 55 52 55 52 20\n'
- self.line[14] = 'm 0 0 m 75 75 m 23 20 l 23 55 33 55 33 20 m 42 20 l 42 55 52 55 52 20'
- else
- self.line[7] = 'm 75 37.5 b 75 58.21 58.21 75 37.5 75 16.79 75 0 58.21 0 37.5 0 16.79 16.79 0 37.5 0 58.21 0 75 16.79 75 37.5 m 25.8333 17.18 l 25.8333 57.6 60.8333 37.39\n'
- self.line[14] = 'm 0 0 m 75 75 m 25.8333 17.18 l 25.8333 57.6 60.8333 37.39'
- end
- AnimationQueue.addAnimation(Animation(0, 1, settings['animation-duration'], (function()
- local _base_1 = self
- local _fn_0 = _base_1.animate
- return function(...)
- return _fn_0(_base_1, ...)
- end
- end)(), (function()
- local _base_1 = self
- local _fn_0 = _base_1.destroy
- return function(...)
- return _fn_0(_base_1, ...)
- end
- end)()))
- return self.eventLoop:addUIElement(self)
- end,
- __base = _base_0,
- __name = "PauseIndicator"
- }, {
- __index = _base_0,
- __call = function(cls, ...)
- local _self_0 = setmetatable({}, _base_0)
- cls.__init(_self_0, ...)
- return _self_0
- end
- })
- _base_0.__class = _class_0
- PauseIndicator = _class_0
-local Title
- local _class_0
- local _parent_0 = UIElement
- local _base_0 = {
- reconfigure = function(self)
- _class_0.__parent.__base.reconfigure(self)
- local offscreenPos = settings['title-offscreen-pos']
- self.line[2] = ('%g,%g'):format(settings['title-left-margin'], self.animation.value)
- self.line[3] = ([[)\an7%s%s}]]):format(settings['default-style'], settings['title-style'])
- self.animation = Animation(offscreenPos, settings['title-top-margin'], self.animationDuration, (function()
- local _base_1 = self
- local _fn_0 = _base_1.animate
- return function(...)
- return _fn_0(_base_1, ...)
- end
- end)(), nil, 0.5)
- end,
- resize = function(self) end,
- animate = function(self, value)
- self.line[2] = ('%g,%g'):format(settings['title-left-margin'], value)
- self.needsUpdate = true
- end,
- _forceUpdatePlaylistInfo = function(self)
- self.playlistInfo = {
- ['media-title'] = mp.get_property('media-title', '????'),
- ['playlist-pos-1'] = mp.get_property_number('playlist-pos-1', 1),
- ['playlist-count'] = mp.get_property_number('playlist-count', 1)
- }
- end,
- generateTitleString = function(self, quote)
- if quote == nil then
- quote = false
- end
- local title, position, total
- do
- local _obj_0 = self.playlistInfo
- title, position, total = _obj_0['media-title'], _obj_0['playlist-pos-1'], _obj_0['playlist-count']
- end
- local prefix = (total > 1) and ('%d/%d - '):format(position, total) or ''
- if quote then
- return prefix .. ('%q'):format(title)
- else
- return prefix .. title
- end
- end,
- updatePlaylistInfo = function(self, changedProp, newValue)
- if newValue then
- self.playlistInfo[changedProp] = newValue
- self.line[4] = self:generateTitleString()
- self.needsUpdate = true
- end
- end,
- print = function(self)
- if settings['title-print-to-cli'] then
- return log.warn("Playing: %s", self:generateTitleString(true))
- end
- end
- }
- _base_0.__index = _base_0
- setmetatable(_base_0, _parent_0.__base)
- _class_0 = setmetatable({
- __init = function(self)
- _class_0.__parent.__init(self)
- local offscreenPos = settings['title-offscreen-pos']
- self.line = {
- [[{\pos(]],
- ([[%g,%g]]):format(settings['title-left-margin'], offscreenPos),
- ([[)\an7%s%s}]]):format(settings['default-style'], settings['title-style']),
- [[????]]
- }
- self.position = offscreenPos
- self.animation = Animation(offscreenPos, settings['title-top-margin'], self.animationDuration, (function()
- local _base_1 = self
- local _fn_0 = _base_1.animate
- return function(...)
- return _fn_0(_base_1, ...)
- end
- end)(), nil, 0.5)
- self:_forceUpdatePlaylistInfo()
- local updatePlaylistInfo
- do
- local _base_1 = self
- local _fn_0 = _base_1.updatePlaylistInfo
- updatePlaylistInfo = function(...)
- return _fn_0(_base_1, ...)
- end
- end
- mp.observe_property('media-title', 'string', updatePlaylistInfo)
- mp.observe_property('playlist-pos-1', 'number', updatePlaylistInfo)
- return mp.observe_property('playlist-count', 'number', updatePlaylistInfo)
- end,
- __base = _base_0,
- __name = "Title",
- __parent = _parent_0
- }, {
- __index = function(cls, name)
- local val = rawget(_base_0, name)
- if val == nil then
- local parent = rawget(cls, "__parent")
- if parent then
- return parent[name]
- end
- else
- return val
- end
- end,
- __call = function(cls, ...)
- local _self_0 = setmetatable({}, _base_0)
- cls.__init(_self_0, ...)
- return _self_0
- end
- })
- _base_0.__class = _class_0
- if _parent_0.__inherited then
- _parent_0.__inherited(_parent_0, _class_0)
- end
- Title = _class_0
-local SystemTime
- local _class_0
- local offscreenPosition, topMargin, timeFormat
- local _parent_0 = UIElement
- local _base_0 = {
- reconfigure = function(self)
- _class_0.__parent.__base.reconfigure(self)
- offscreenPosition = settings['system-time-offscreen-pos']
- topMargin = settings['system-time-top-margin']
- timeFormat = settings['system-time-format']
- self.line[2] = ('%g,%g'):format(self.position, topMargin)
- self.line[3] = ([[)\an9%s%s}]]):format(settings['default-style'], settings['system-time-style'])
- self.animation = Animation(offscreenPosition, settings['system-time-right-margin'], self.animationDuration, (function()
- local _base_1 = self
- local _fn_0 = _base_1.animate
- return function(...)
- return _fn_0(_base_1, ...)
- end
- end)(), nil, 0.5)
- end,
- resize = function(self)
- self.position = Window.w - self.animation.value
- self.line[2] = ('%g,%g'):format(self.position, topMargin)
- end,
- animate = function(self, value)
- self.position = Window.w - value
- self.line[2] = ('%g,%g'):format(self.position, topMargin)
- self.needsUpdate = true
- end,
- redraw = function(self)
- if self.active then
- local systemTime = os.time()
- if systemTime ~= self.lastTime then
- local update = true
- self.line[4] = os.date(timeFormat, systemTime)
- self.lastTime = systemTime
- self.needsUpdate = true
- end
- end
- return self.needsUpdate
- end
- }
- _base_0.__index = _base_0
- setmetatable(_base_0, _parent_0.__base)
- _class_0 = setmetatable({
- __init = function(self)
- _class_0.__parent.__init(self)
- self.line = {
- [[{\pos(]],
- [[-100,0]],
- ([[)\an9%s%s}]]):format(settings['default-style'], settings['system-time-style']),
- [[????]]
- }
- self.lastTime = -1
- self.position = offscreenPosition
- self.animation = Animation(offscreenPosition, settings['system-time-right-margin'], self.animationDuration, (function()
- local _base_1 = self
- local _fn_0 = _base_1.animate
- return function(...)
- return _fn_0(_base_1, ...)
- end
- end)(), nil, 0.5)
- end,
- __base = _base_0,
- __name = "SystemTime",
- __parent = _parent_0
- }, {
- __index = function(cls, name)
- local val = rawget(_base_0, name)
- if val == nil then
- local parent = rawget(cls, "__parent")
- if parent then
- return parent[name]
- end
- else
- return val
- end
- end,
- __call = function(cls, ...)
- local _self_0 = setmetatable({}, _base_0)
- cls.__init(_self_0, ...)
- return _self_0
- end
- })
- _base_0.__class = _class_0
- local self = _class_0
- offscreenPosition = settings['system-time-offscreen-pos']
- topMargin = settings['system-time-top-margin']
- timeFormat = settings['system-time-format']
- if _parent_0.__inherited then
- _parent_0.__inherited(_parent_0, _class_0)
- end
- SystemTime = _class_0
-local eventLoop = EventLoop()
-local activeHeight = settings['hover-zone-height']
-local ignoreRequestDisplay
-ignoreRequestDisplay = function(self)
- if not (Mouse.inWindow) then
- return false
- end
- if Mouse.dead then
- return false
- end
- return self:containsPoint(Mouse.x, Mouse.y)
-local bottomZone = ActivityZone(function(self)
- return self:reset(0, Window.h - activeHeight, Window.w, activeHeight)
-local hoverTimeZone = ActivityZone(function(self)
- return self:reset(0, Window.h - activeHeight, Window.w, activeHeight)
-end, ignoreRequestDisplay)
-local topZone = ActivityZone(function(self)
- return self:reset(0, 0, Window.w, activeHeight)
-end, ignoreRequestDisplay)
-local chapters, progressBar, barCache, barBackground, elapsedTime, remainingTime, hoverTime
-if settings['enable-bar'] then
- progressBar = ProgressBar()
- barCache = ProgressBarCache()
- barBackground = ProgressBarBackground()
- bottomZone:addUIElement(barBackground)
- if settings['bar-cache-position'] == 'overlay' then
- bottomZone:addUIElement(progressBar)
- bottomZone:addUIElement(barCache)
- else
- bottomZone:addUIElement(barCache)
- bottomZone:addUIElement(progressBar)
- end
- mp.add_key_binding("c", "toggle-inactive-bar", function()
- return BarBase:toggleInactiveVisibility()
- end)
-if settings['enable-chapter-markers'] then
- chapters = Chapters()
- bottomZone:addUIElement(chapters)
-if settings['enable-elapsed-time'] then
- elapsedTime = TimeElapsed()
- bottomZone:addUIElement(elapsedTime)
-if settings['enable-remaining-time'] then
- remainingTime = TimeRemaining()
- bottomZone:addUIElement(remainingTime)
-if settings['enable-hover-time'] then
- hoverTime = HoverTime()
- hoverTimeZone:addUIElement(hoverTime)
-local title = nil
-if settings['enable-title'] then
- title = Title()
- bottomZone:addUIElement(title)
- topZone:addUIElement(title)
-if settings['enable-system-time'] then
- local systemTime = SystemTime()
- bottomZone:addUIElement(systemTime)
- topZone:addUIElement(systemTime)
-local notFrameStepping = false
-if settings['pause-indicator'] then
- local PauseIndicatorWrapper
- PauseIndicatorWrapper = function(event, paused)
- if notFrameStepping then
- return PauseIndicator(eventLoop, paused)
- elseif paused then
- notFrameStepping = true
- end
- end
- mp.add_key_binding('.', 'step-forward', function()
- notFrameStepping = false
- return mp.commandv('frame_step')
- end, {
- repeatable = true
- })
- mp.add_key_binding(',', 'step-backward', function()
- notFrameStepping = false
- return mp.commandv('frame_back_step')
- end, {
- repeatable = true
- })
- mp.observe_property('pause', 'bool', PauseIndicatorWrapper)
-local streamMode = false
-local initDraw
-initDraw = function()
- if chapters then
- chapters:createMarkers()
- end
- if title then
- title:_forceUpdatePlaylistInfo()
- title:print()
- end
- notFrameStepping = true
- local duration = mp.get_property('duration')
- if not (streamMode or duration) then
- BarAccent.changeBarSize(0)
- if progressBar then
- bottomZone:removeUIElement(progressBar)
- bottomZone:removeUIElement(barCache)
- bottomZone:removeUIElement(barBackground)
- end
- if chapters then
- bottomZone:removeUIElement(chapters)
- end
- if hoverTime then
- hoverTimeZone:removeUIElement(hoverTime)
- end
- if remainingTime then
- bottomZone:removeUIElement(remainingTime)
- end
- streamMode = true
- elseif streamMode and duration then
- BarAccent.changeBarSize(settings['bar-height-active'])
- if progressBar then
- bottomZone:addUIElement(barBackground)
- bottomZone:addUIElement(barCache)
- bottomZone:addUIElement(progressBar)
- end
- if chapters then
- bottomZone:addUIElement(chapters)
- end
- if hoverTime then
- hoverTimeZone:addUIElement(hoverTime)
- end
- if remainingTime then
- bottomZone:addUIElement(remainingTime)
- end
- streamMode = false
- end
- mp.command('script-message-to osc disable-osc')
- eventLoop:generateUIFromZones()
- eventLoop:resize()
- return eventLoop:redraw()
-return mp.register_event('file-loaded', initDraw)
diff --git a/.config/ncmpcpp/config b/.config/ncmpcpp/config
index c5f9247..d922d0c 100644
--- a/.config/ncmpcpp/config
+++ b/.config/ncmpcpp/config
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ visualizer_in_stereo = yes
#visualizer_type = spectrum
-#visualizer_fps = 60
+visualizer_fps = 144
visualizer_autoscale = yes
diff --git a/.config/ranger/rc.conf b/.config/ranger/rc.conf
index 537f53d..a714e2b 100644
--- a/.config/ranger/rc.conf
+++ b/.config/ranger/rc.conf
@@ -319,8 +319,10 @@ set nested_ranger_warning true
# Examples:
# setlocal path=~/downloads sort mtime
-setlocal path=~/mnt preview_max_size 52428800
+# setlocal path=~/mnt preview_max_size 52428800
setlocal path=~/mnt preview_directories false
+setlocal path=~/cache/ranger use_preview_script false
+setlocal path=~/cache/ranger preview_images false
# ===================================================================
# == Command Aliases in the Console
diff --git a/.config/yt-dlp/config b/.config/yt-dlp/config
index 5594c89..ce9869e 100644
--- a/.config/yt-dlp/config
+++ b/.config/yt-dlp/config
@@ -12,3 +12,7 @@
--compat-options no-keep-subs
--download-archive ".yt-dlp_archive"
-N 4
+# For 429 errors
+--retry-sleep fragment:exp=1:320
diff --git a/.gtkrc-2.0 b/.gtkrc-2.0
index f0df8cd..77b0089 100644
--- a/.gtkrc-2.0
+++ b/.gtkrc-2.0
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-gtk-font-name="IBM Plex Sans 10"
+gtk-font-name="IBM Plex Sans 14px"
diff --git a/.local/bin/mccmd b/.local/bin/mccmd
index 57c4585..c8b32a7 100755
--- a/.local/bin/mccmd
+++ b/.local/bin/mccmd
@@ -5,8 +5,10 @@ do
if [[ "$line" =~ ^/ ]]
echo "mine $line" > /run/minecraft-server.stdin
+ elif [[ "$line" =~ ^msh ]]
+ then
+ echo "$line" > /run/minecraft-server.stdin
echo "mine say $line" > /run/minecraft-server.stdin
-# echo "mine dynmap sendtoweb $line" > /run/minecraft-server.stdin
diff --git a/.local/bin/music-convert b/.local/bin/music-convert
index 82da0da..0d4f824 100755
--- a/.local/bin/music-convert
+++ b/.local/bin/music-convert
@@ -21,7 +21,9 @@ cd "$rootdir"
for dir in **/ .
# Ignorer les liens symboliques
- if [[ -h "${rootdir}/${dir::-1}" && "${dir}" != "Vidéos/" ]]
+ #if [[ -h "${rootdir}/${dir::-1}" && "${dir}" != "Vidéos/" ]]
+ # Converti uniquement les vidéos
+ if [[ "${dir}" != "Vidéos/" ]]
@@ -87,20 +89,20 @@ do
# Si le moindre fichier a été converti, on refait les tags replay gain
- if ${togain} && [[ "${dir}" != "Vidéos/" ]]
- then
- (
- cd "${dstdir}"
- shopt -s nullglob
- echo "[${blue}GAIN${reset}] $dir"
- loudgain -S -a -k -q -s e -- *.opus &>/dev/null && \
- echo "[${green}GAIN${reset}] $dir" || \
- echo "[${red}GAIN${reset}] $dir"
- shopt -u nullglob
- ) & disown $!
- # Réinitialise le tag togain
- togain="false"
- fi
+ #if ${togain} && [[ "${dir}" != "Vidéos/" ]]
+ #then
+ # (
+ # cd "${dstdir}"
+ # shopt -s nullglob
+ # echo "[${blue}GAIN${reset}] $dir"
+ # loudgain -S -a -k -q -s e -- *.opus &>/dev/null && \
+ # echo "[${green}GAIN${reset}] $dir" || \
+ # echo "[${red}GAIN${reset}] $dir"
+ # shopt -u nullglob
+ # ) & disown $!
+ #
+ # # Réinitialise le tag togain
+ # togain="false"
+ #fi