# Display style of current position. available: line, bar timeline_style=line # Line display style config timeline_line_width=2 # Timeline size when fully expanded, in pixels, 0 to disable timeline_size=40 # Comma separated states when element should always be fully visible. # Available: paused, audio, image, video, idle, windowed, fullscreen timeline_persistency= # Top border of background color to help visually separate timeline from video timeline_border=1 # When scrolling above timeline, wheel will seek by this amount of seconds timeline_step=5 # Render cache indicators for streaming content timeline_cache=yes # When to display an always visible progress bar (minimized timeline). Can be: windowed, fullscreen, always, never # Can also be toggled on demand with `toggle-progress` command. progress=always progress_size=5 progress_line_width=20 # A comma delimited list of controls above the timeline. Set to `never` to disable. # Parameter spec: enclosed in `{}` means value, enclosed in `[]` means optional # Full item syntax: `[<[!]{disposition1}[,[!]{dispositionN}]>]{element}[:{paramN}][#{badge}[>{limit}]][?{tooltip}]` # Common properties: # `{icon}` - parameter used to specify an icon name (example: `face`) # - pick here: https://fonts.google.com/icons?icon.platform=web&icon.set=Material+Icons&icon.style=Rounded # `{element}`s and their parameters: # `{shorthand}` - preconfigured shorthands: # `play-pause`, `menu`, `subtitles`, `audio`, `video`, `playlist`, # `chapters`, `editions`, `stream-quality`, `open-file`, `items`, # `next`, `prev`, `first`, `last`, `audio-device`, `fullscreen`, # `loop-playlist`, `loop-file`, `shuffle` # `speed[:{scale}]` - display speed slider, [{scale}] - factor of controls_size, default: 1.3 # `command:{icon}:{command}` - button that executes a {command} when pressed # `toggle:{icon}:{prop}[@{owner}]` - button that toggles mpv property # `cycle:{default_icon}:{prop}[@{owner}]:{value1}[={icon1}][!]/{valueN}[={iconN}][!]` # - button that cycles mpv property between values, each optionally having different icon and active flag # - presence of `!` at the end will style the button as active # - `{owner}` is the name of a script that manages this property if any # `gap[:{scale}]` - display an empty gap # {scale} - factor of controls_size, default: 0.3 # `space` - fills all available space between previous and next item, useful to align items to the right # - multiple spaces divide the available space among themselves, which can be used for centering # Item visibility control: # `<[!]{disposition1}[,[!]{dispositionN}]>` - optional prefix to control element's visibility # - `{disposition}` can be one of: # - `idle` - true if mpv is in idle mode (no file loaded) # - `image` - true if current file is a single image # - `audio` - true for audio only files # - `video` - true for files with a video track # - `has_many_video` - true for files with more than one video track # - `has_image` - true for files with a cover or other image track # - `has_audio` - true for files with an audio track # - `has_many_audio` - true for files with more than one audio track # - `has_sub` - true for files with an subtitle track # - `has_many_sub` - true for files with more than one subtitle track # - `has_many_edition` - true for files with more than one edition # - `has_chapter` - true for files with chapter list # - `stream` - true if current file is read from a stream # - `has_playlist` - true if current playlist has 2 or more items in it # - prefix with `!` to negate the required disposition # Examples: # - `stream-quality` - show stream quality button only for streams # - `audio` - show audio tracks button for all files that have # an audio track, but are not exclusively audio only files # Place `#{badge}[>{limit}]` after the element params to give it a badge. Available badges: # `sub`, `audio`, `video` - track type counters # `{mpv_prop}` - any mpv prop that makes sense to you: https://mpv.io/manual/master/#property-list # - if prop value is an array it'll display its size # `>{limit}` will display the badge only if it's numerical value is above this threshold. # Example: `#audio>1` # Place `?{tooltip}` after the element config to give it a tooltip. # Example implementations: # menu = command:menu:script-binding uosc/menu-blurred?Menu # subtitles = command:subtitles:script-binding uosc/subtitles#sub?Subtitles # fullscreen = cycle:crop_free:fullscreen:no/yes=fullscreen_exit!?Fullscreen # loop-playlist = cycle:repeat:loop-playlist:no/inf!?Loop playlist # toggle:{icon}:{prop} = cycle:{icon}:{prop}:no/yes! controls=menu,gap,subtitles,audio,video,editions,stream-quality,gap,space,speed,space,shuffle,loop-playlist,loop-file,gap,prev,items,next,gap,fullscreen controls_size=32 controls_margin=8 controls_spacing=2 controls_persistency= # Where to display volume controls: none, left, right volume=right volume_size=40 volume_border=1 volume_step=1 volume_persistency= # Playback speed widget: mouse drag or wheel to change, click to reset speed_step=0.1 speed_step_is_factor=no speed_persistency= # Controls all menus, such as context menu, subtitle loader/selector, etc menu_item_height=36 menu_min_width=260 menu_padding=4 # Determines if `/` or `ctrl+f` is required to activate the search, or if typing # any text is sufficient. # When enabled, you can no longer toggle a menu off with the same key that opened it, if the key is a unicode character. menu_type_to_search=yes # Top bar with window controls and media title # Can be: never, no-border, always top_bar=no-border top_bar_size=40 top_bar_controls=no # Can be: `no` (hide), `yes` (inherit title from mpv.conf), or a custom template string top_bar_title=${media-title} # Template string to enable alternative top bar title. If alt title matches main title, # it'll be hidden. Tip: use `${media-title}` for main, and `${filename}` for alt title. top_bar_alt_title=${filename} # Can be: # `below` => display alt title below the main one # `toggle` => toggle the top bar title text between main and alt by clicking # the top bar, or calling `toggle-title` binding top_bar_alt_title_place=below # Flash top bar when any of these file types is loaded. Available: audio,image,video top_bar_flash_on=video,audio,image top_bar_persistency= # Window border drawn in no-border mode window_border_size=1 # If there's no playlist and file ends, load next file in the directory # Requires `keep-open=yes` in `mpv.conf`. autoload=no # What types to accept as next item when autoloading or requesting to play next file # Can be: video, audio, image, subtitle autoload_types=video,audio,image # Enable uosc's playlist/directory shuffle mode # This simply makes the next selected playlist or directory item be random, just # like any other player in the world. It also has an easily togglable control button. shuffle=no # Scale the interface by this factor scale=1 # Scale in fullscreen scale_fullscreen=1.3 # Adjust the text scaling to fit your font font_scale=2 # Border of text and icons when drawn directly on top of video text_border=1.2 # Border radius of buttons, menus, and all other rectangles border_radius=4 # A comma delimited list of color overrides in RGB HEX format. Defaults: # foreground=ffffff,foreground_text=000000,background=000000,background_text=ffffff,curtain=111111,success=a5e075,error=ff616e color= # A comma delimited list of opacity overrides for various UI element backgrounds and shapes. # This does not affect any text, which is always rendered fully opaque. Defaults: # timeline=0.9,position=1,chapters=0.8,slider=0.9,slider_gauge=1,controls=0,speed=0.6,menu=1,submenu=0.4,border=1,title=1,tooltip=1,thumbnail=1,curtain=0.8,idle_indicator=0.8,audio_indicator=0.5,buffering_indicator=0.3,playlist_position=0.8 opacity= # A comma delimited list of features to refine at a cost of some performance impact. # text_width - Use a more accurate text width measurement that measures each text string individually # instead of just measuring the width of known letters once and adding them up. # sorting - Use filename sorting that handles non-english languages better, especially asian ones. # At the moment, this is only available on windows, and has no effect on other platforms. refine= # Duration of animations in milliseconds animation_duration=100 # Execute command for background clicks shorter than this number of milliseconds, 0 to disable # Execution always waits for `input-doubleclick-time` to filter out double-clicks click_threshold=0 click_command=cycle pause; script-binding uosc/flash-pause-indicator # Flash duration in milliseconds used by `flash-{element}` commands flash_duration=1000 # Distances in pixels below which elements are fully faded in/out proximity_in=40 proximity_out=120 # Use only bold font weight throughout the whole UI font_bold=no # One of `total`, `playtime-remaining` (scaled by the current speed), `time-remaining` (remaining length of file) destination_time=playtime-remaining # Display sub second fraction in timestamps up to this precision time_precision=0 # Display stream's buffered time in timeline if it's lower than this amount of seconds, 0 to disable buffered_time_threshold=60 # Hide UI when mpv autohides the cursor. Timing is controlled by `cursor-autohide` in `mpv.conf` (in milliseconds). autohide=no # Can be: flash, static, manual (controlled by flash-pause-indicator and decide-pause-indicator commands) pause_indicator=flash # Sizes to list in stream quality menu stream_quality_options=4320,2160,1440,1080,720,480,360,240,144 # Types to identify media files video_types=3g2,3gp,asf,avi,f4v,flv,h264,h265,m2ts,m4v,mkv,mov,mp4,mp4v,mpeg,mpg,ogm,ogv,rm,rmvb,ts,vob,webm,wmv,y4m audio_types=aac,ac3,aiff,ape,au,cue,dsf,dts,flac,m4a,mid,midi,mka,mp3,mp4a,oga,ogg,opus,spx,tak,tta,wav,weba,wma,wv image_types=apng,avif,bmp,gif,j2k,jp2,jfif,jpeg,jpg,jxl,mj2,png,svg,tga,tif,tiff,webp subtitle_types=aqt,ass,gsub,idx,jss,lrc,mks,pgs,pjs,psb,rt,sbv,slt,smi,sub,sup,srt,ssa,ssf,ttxt,txt,usf,vt,vtt # Default open-file menu directory default_directory=~/ # List hidden files when reading directories. Due to environment limitations, this currently only hides # files starting with a dot. Doesn't hide hidden files on windows (we have no way to tell they're hidden). show_hidden_files=no # Move files to trash (recycle bin) when deleting files. Dependencies: # - Linux: `sudo apt install trash-cli` # - MacOS: `brew install trash` use_trash=no # Adjusted osd margins based on the visibility of UI elements adjust_osd_margins=yes # Adds chapter range indicators to some common chapter types. # Additionally to displaying the start of the chapter as a diamond icon on top of the timeline, # the portion of the timeline of that chapter range is also colored based on the config below. # # The syntax is a comma-delimited list of `{type}:{color}` pairs, where: # `{type}` => range type. Currently supported ones are: # - `openings`, `endings` => anime openings/endings # - `intros`, `outros` => video intros/outros # - `ads` => segments created by sponsor-block software like https://github.com/po5/mpv_sponsorblock # `{color}` => an RGB(A) HEX color code (`rrggbb`, or `rrggbbaa`) # # To exclude marking any of the range types, simply remove them from the list. chapter_ranges=openings:30abf964,endings:30abf964,ads:c54e4e80 # Add alternative lua patterns to identify beginnings of simple chapter ranges (except for `ads`) # Syntax: `{type}:{pattern}[,{patternN}][;{type}:{pattern}[,{patternN}]]` chapter_range_patterns=openings:オープニング;endings:エンディング # Localization language priority from highest to lowest. # Also controls what languages are fetched by `download-subtitles` menu. # Built in languages can be found in `uosc/intl`. # `slang` is a keyword to inherit values from `--slang` mpv config. # Supports paths to custom json files: `languages=~~/custom.json,slang,en` languages=slang,en # A comma separated list of element IDs to disable. Available IDs: # window_border, top_bar, timeline, controls, volume, # idle_indicator, audio_indicator, buffering_indicator, pause_indicator disable_elements=