test "only bare" "_ beer" = (getopts beer) end test "bare and bare" "_ bar" "_ beer" = (getopts bar beer) end test "bare first" "foo" "_ beer" = (getopts beer --foo) end test "bare sequence" "_ foo" "_ bar" "_ baz" "_ quux" = (getopts foo bar baz quux) end test "bare does not end opts" "a" "b 42" "_ beer" "foo" "bar" = (getopts -ab42 beer --foo --bar) end test "only single" "f" "o" "o 42" = (getopts -foo42) end test "single and single" "a" "b" "c" "x" "y" "z" = (getopts -abc -xyz) end test "single and bare" "a" "b" "c bar" = (getopts -abc bar) end test "single and value" "a bar" = (getopts -a bar) end test "single w/ value and bare" "a" "b" "c ./" "_ bar" = (getopts -abc./ bar) end test "single and double" "a" "b" "c" "foo" = (getopts -abc --foo) end test "double" "foo" = (getopts --foo) end test "double w/ value" "foo bar" = (getopts --foo=bar) end test "double w/ value group" "foo bar" "bar foo" = (getopts --foo=bar --bar=foo) end test "double w/ value and bare" "foo bar" "_ beer" = (getopts --foo=bar beer) end test "double double" "foo" "bar" = (getopts --foo --bar) end test "double w/ inner dashes" "foo-bar-baz" = (getopts --foo-bar-baz) end test "double and single" "foo" "a" "b" "c" = (getopts --foo -abc) end test "multiple double sequence" "foo" "bar" "secret 42" "_ baz" = (getopts --foo --bar --secret=42 baz) end test "single double single w/ remaining bares" "f" "o" "o" "bar" "b" "a" "r norf" "_ baz" "_ quux" = ( getopts -foo --bar -bar norf baz quux) end test "double dash" "_ --foo" "_ bar" = (getopts -- --foo bar) end test "single double dash" "a" "_ --foo" "_ bar" = (getopts -a -- --foo bar) end test "bare and double dash" "foo bar" "_ baz" "_ foo" "_ --foo" = (getopts --foo=bar baz -- foo --foo) end test "long string as a value" "f Fee fi fo fum" = (getopts -f "Fee fi fo fum") end test "single and empty string" "f" = (getopts -f "") end test "double and empty string" "foo" = (getopts --foo "") end