var memcached = require('memcache'); var winston = require('winston'); // Create a new store with options var MemcachedDocumentStore = function(options) { this.expire = options.expire; if (!MemcachedDocumentStore.client) { MemcachedDocumentStore.connect(options); } }; // Create a connection MemcachedDocumentStore.connect = function(options) { var host = || ''; var port = options.port || 11211; this.client = new memcached.Client(port, host); this.client.connect(); this.client.on('connect', function() {'connected to memcached on ' + host + ':' + port); }); this.client.on('error', function(e) {'error connecting to memcached', { error: e }); }); }; // Save file in a key MemcachedDocumentStore.prototype.set = function(key, data, callback, skipExpire) { MemcachedDocumentStore.client.set(key, data, function(err, reply) { err ? callback(false) : callback(true); }, skipExpire ? 0 : this.expire); }; // Get a file from a key MemcachedDocumentStore.prototype.get = function(key, callback, skipExpire) { var _this = this; MemcachedDocumentStore.client.get(key, function(err, reply) { callback(err ? false : reply); if (_this.expire && !skipExpire) { winston.warn('memcache store does not currently push forward expirations on GET'); } }); }; module.exports = MemcachedDocumentStore;