/* global describe, it */ const assert = require('assert'); const Generator = require('../../lib/key_generators/phonetic'); const vowels = 'aeiou'; const consonants = 'bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz'; describe('PhoneticKeyGenerator', () => { describe('generation', () => { it('should return a key of the proper length', () => { const gen = new Generator(); assert.equal(6, gen.createKey(6).length); }); it('should alternate consonants and vowels', () => { const gen = new Generator(); const key = gen.createKey(3); // if it starts with a consonant, we expect cvc // if it starts with a vowel, we expect vcv if(consonants.includes(key[0])) { assert.ok(consonants.includes(key[0])); assert.ok(consonants.includes(key[2])); assert.ok(vowels.includes(key[1])); } else { assert.ok(vowels.includes(key[0])); assert.ok(vowels.includes(key[2])); assert.ok(consonants.includes(key[1])); } }); }); });